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HCC / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
libimagequant public Palette quantization library that powers pngquant and other PNG optimizers. 2025-03-25
r-inla public Full Bayesian Analysis of Latent Gaussian Models using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations 2025-03-25
r-hkprocess public Methods to make inference about the Hurst-Kolmogorov and the AR(1) process. 2025-03-25
pytorch public Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration 2025-03-25
xorriso public ISO 9660 Rock Ridge Filesystem Manipulator 2025-03-25
retroseq public RetroSeq is a bioinformatics tool that searches for mobile element insertions from aligned reads in a BAM file and a library of reference transposable elements. 2025-03-25
autodock-gpu public AutoDock for GPUs using OpenCL. 2025-03-25
adfr-suite public AutoDockFR (or ADFR in short) is a protein-ligand docking program developed in the Sanner laboratory at Scripps Research under the AutoDock umbrella 2025-03-25
macs-simulator public MaCS is a simulator of the coalescent process that simulates geneologies spatially across chromosomes as a Markovian process. 2025-03-25
macs public Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data. 2025-03-25
genodiver public Geno-Diver is a complex animal genetic simulation tool that is able to simulate quantitative and/or fitness characters. 2025-03-25
povray public The Persistence of Vision Raytracer. 2025-03-25
effector-p public EffectorP is a machine learning method for fungal effector prediction in secretomes. 2025-03-25
weka public The workbench for machine learning. 2025-03-25
delly-omp public Structural variant discovery by integrated paired-end and split-read analysis. 2025-03-25
cenote-taker2 public Cenote-Taker2 is a pipeline for divergent virus discovery and annotation. 2025-03-25
phanotate public PHANOTATE is a tool to annotate phage genomes. 2025-03-25
fastpath public Fastpath is a fast and lightweight tool for finding the shortest path in a weighted graph. 2025-03-25
igs-portal-client public Python-based client for downloading data made available through portals powered by the GDC-based portal system. 2025-03-25
scipio public Scipio locates the regions coding for a query protein sequence in a DNA target sequence. 2025-03-25
basespace-cli public Toolkit to perform regulatory genomics data analysis 2025-03-25
staphb-toolkit public The StaPH-B ToolKit is a Python library of commonly used bioinformatics tools that help to inform public health action. The StaPH-B ToolKit utilizes the StaPH-B Docker Images to enable easy access of open-source software without the need of local installation and/or dependency maintenance. 2025-03-25
oma public OMA standalone is a standalone package that can infer orthologs using the OMA algorithm on custom genomes. 2025-03-25
gethogs public GETHOGs is a library to infer hierarchical orthologous groups from pairwise evolutionary relationship and its related reference species tree. 2025-03-25
duo-client public Reference client for Duo Security APIs 2025-03-25

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