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HCC / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
sequeltools public A suite of tools for working with PacBio Sequel raw sequence data. 2025-03-26
deepmriprep public Neural network-based preprocessing of MRI data. Prepping brain images in seconds. 2025-03-25
torchreg public Lightweight image registration library using PyTorch 2025-03-25
deepbet public Fast brain extraction using neural networks 2025-03-25
fill-voids public Fill voids in 3D binary images fast. 2025-03-25
fpocket public fpocket is a very fast open source protein pocket detection algorithm based on Voronoi tessellation. 2025-03-25
sequencetubemap public Displays multiple genomic sequences in the form of a tube map. 2025-03-25
lumpy public The LumPy toolset provides a proof of concept for lumping for DBMF/PA/AME equations for contact processes on complex networks. 2025-03-25
vcfstats public Powerful statistics for VCF files 2025-03-25
vcfsort public Sorts a VCF file (for human) by chromosome. 2025-03-25
datar public A Grammar of Data Manipulation in python 2025-03-25
simplug public A simple plugin system for python with async hooks supported 2025-03-25
plotnine-prism public Prism themes for plotnine, inspired by ggprism 2025-03-25
mumaxplus public More versatile and extensible GPU-accelerated micromagnetic simulator. 2025-03-25
argx public Super-charged argparse for python 2025-03-25
rtoml public A better TOML library for python implemented in rust. 2025-03-25
python-simpleconf public Simple configuration management with python. 2025-03-25
sniffles2-plot public Visualizer tool for plot generating 2025-03-25
compass-cplex public In-Silico Modeling of Metabolic Heterogeneity using Single-Cell Transcriptomes. 2025-03-25
gsufsort public Building suffix arrays, LCP-arrays and BWTs for string collections. 2025-03-25
biser public Fast Characterization of Segmental Duplication Structure in Multiple Genome Assemblies. 2025-03-25
seq public Seq — the bioinformatics module for Codon. 2025-03-25
codon public A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler using LLVM. 2025-03-25
freesasa-cli public Calculate solvent accessible surface areas of proteins 2025-03-25
juicer public A One-Click System for Analyzing Loop-Resolution Hi-C Experiments. 2025-03-25

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