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HCC / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
consurf public Stand Alone version of ConSurf 2024-01-18
jmodeltest public jModelTest is a tool to carry out statistical selection of best-fit models of nucleotide substitution. 2024-01-04
prottest3 public ProtTest is a bioinformatic tool for the selection of best-fit models of aminoacid replacement for the data at hand. 2023-12-20
rate4site public Rate4Site is a program for detecting conserved amino-acid sites by computing the relative evolutionary rate for each site in the multiple sequence alignment (MSA).. 2023-12-20
subversion public Enterprise-class centralized version control for the masses 2023-08-08
ashs public ASHS is software for automatic segmentation of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) substructures from brain MRI scans. 2023-08-01
shtns public SHTns is a high performance library for Spherical Harmonic Transform written in C, aimed at numerical simulation (fluid flows, mhd, ...) in spherical geometries. 2023-07-12
r-paran public An implementation of Horn's technique for numerically and graphically evaluating the components or factors retained in a principle components analysis (PCA) or common factor analysis (FA). Horn's method contrasts eigenvalues produced through a PCA or FA on a number of random data sets of uncorrelated variables with the same number of variables and observations as the experimental or observational data set to produce eigenvalues for components or factors that are adjusted for the sample error-induced inflation. Components with adjusted eigenvalues greater than one are retained. paran may also be used to conduct parallel analysis following Glorfeld's (1995) suggestions to reduce the likelihood of over-retention. 2023-07-06
r-phia public Analysis of terms in linear, generalized and mixed linear models, on the basis of multiple comparisons of factor contrasts. Specially suited for the analysis of interaction terms. 2023-07-06
cp2k public Quantum chemistry and solid state physics software package 2023-06-30
nquire public A statistical framework for ploidy estimation using NGS short-read data. 2023-06-22
git public distributed version control system 2023-06-18
popoolation2 public PoPoolation2 allows to compare allele frequencies for SNPs between two or more populations and to identify significant differences. 2023-06-18
t-coffee public A collection of tools for Multiple Alignments of DNA, RNA, Protein Sequence 2023-06-18
nomad public NOMAD is an unsupervised and reference-free unifying framework to discover regulated sequence variation through statistical analysis of k-mer composition in both DNA and RNA sequence. 2023-06-18
blobtoolkit public Interactive quality assessment of genome assemblies. 2023-06-18
blobtk public Core functionality shared across BlobToolKit tools. 2023-06-18
chromedriver-binary-auto public Installer for chromedriver. 2023-06-18
geckodriver-autoinstaller public Automatically install geckodriver that supports the currently installed version of chrome. 2023-06-18
python-blobtk public Core functionality shared across BlobToolKit tools. 2023-06-18
mgblast public fast all-vs-all DNA alignment tool, modification of megablast from a 2006 version of NCBI C Toolkit 2023-06-18
sparta public Stochastic PArallel Rarefied-gas Time-accurate Analyzer. 2023-06-18
cgmaptools public Command-line Toolset for Bisulfite Sequencing Data Analysis 2023-06-18
tf-comb public Transcription Factor Co-Occurrence using Market Basket analysis 2023-06-18
tobias public Transcription factor Occupancy prediction By Investigation of ATAC-seq Signal 2023-06-18
ls-bsr public Large scale Blast Score Ratio (BSR) analysis. 2023-06-18
crystal public The Crystal Programming Language 2023-06-18
shards public The Crystal Programming Language 2023-06-18
crystal-compiler public The Crystal Programming Language 2023-06-18
crystal-binary public The Crystal Programming Language 2023-06-18
php-composer public Dependency Manager for PHP 2023-06-18
php public PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. 2023-06-18
visualkeras public Architecture visualization of Keras models 2023-06-18
libspectre public libspectre is a small library for rendering Postscript documents. 2023-06-18
ghostscript public An interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF 2023-06-18
jbig2dec public A decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format 2023-06-18
libheif public libheif is an HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder. 2023-06-18
rav1e public The fastest and safest AV1 encoder. 2023-06-18
cargo-c public build and install C-compatible libraries 2023-06-18
libde265 public Open h.265 video codec implementation. 2023-06-18
libvideogfx public LibVideoGfx - video processing library. 2023-06-18
r-cdcfluview public The 'U.S.' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintain a portal <https://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/fluview/fluportaldashboard.html> for accessing state, regional and national influenza statistics as well as mortality surveillance data. The web interface makes it difficult and time-consuming to select and retrieve influenza data. Tools are provided to access the data provided by the portal's underlying 'API'. 2023-06-18
r-mmwrweek public The first day of any MMWR week is Sunday. MMWR week numbering is sequential beginning with 1 and incrementing with each week to a maximum of 52 or 53. MMWR week #1 of an MMWR year is the first week of the year that has at least four days in the calendar year. This package provides functionality to convert Dates to MMWR day, week, and year and the reverse. 2023-06-18
nextcloud-api-wrapper public Python wrapper for NextCloud api 2023-06-18
twincons public This projects provides several packages for analysis of MSAs comprised of two sequence groups. 2023-06-18
qhull public Qhull computes the convex hull 2023-06-18
eman2 public A scientific image processing software suite with a focus on CryoEM and CryoET. 2023-06-18
ocaml-findlib public opam is a source-based package manager for OCaml 2023-06-18
ocaml public Objective Caml (OCaml) is an implementation of the ML language. 2023-06-18
gsl public GNU Scientific Library 2023-06-18

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