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hargup / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
certifi None Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. 2023-06-16
cement None CLI Application Framework for Python 2023-06-16
ndg-httpsclient None Provides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL 2023-06-16
mongoengine None MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB. 2023-06-16
leaderboard None Leaderboards backed by Redis in Python 2023-06-16
brewer2mpl None Connect colorbrewer2.org color maps to Python and matplotlib 2023-06-16
bottle None Fast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications. 2023-06-16
fudge None Replace real objects with fakes (mocks, stubs, etc) while testing. 2023-06-16
flufl.enum None A Python enumeration package. 2023-06-16
dogpile.cache None A caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock. 2023-06-16
flask-restful None Simple framework for creating REST APIs 2023-06-16
flask-migrate None SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic 2023-06-16
flask-login None User session management for Flask 2023-06-16
flask-babel None Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications 2023-06-16
filechunkio None FileChunkIO represents a chunk of an OS-level file containing bytes data 2023-06-16
dpath None Filesystem-like pathing and searching for dictionaries 2023-06-16
doit None doit - Automation Tool 2023-06-16
docutils None Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities 2023-06-16
django-tinymce None A Django application that contains a widget to render a form field as a TinyMCE editor. 2023-06-16
django-simple-history None Store model history and view/revert changes from admin site. 2023-06-16
django-phonenumber-field None An international phone number field for django models. 2023-06-16
django-extensions None Extensions for Django 2023-06-16
django-crispy-forms None Best way to have Django DRY forms 2023-06-16
click None A simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities. 2023-06-16
bz2file None Read and write bzip2-compressed files. 2023-06-16
babelfish None A module to work with countries and languages 2023-06-16
xstatic-jsencrypt None JSEncrypt 2.0.0 (XStatic packaging standard) 2023-06-16
xstatic-jquery None jQuery 1.10.2 (XStatic packaging standard) 2023-06-16
pdfminer None PDF parser and analyzer 2023-06-16
shadowsocks None A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls 2023-06-16
ddt None Data-Driven/Decorated Tests 2023-06-16
cssmin None A Python port of the YUI CSS compression algorithm. 2023-06-16
setuptools-git None Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git 2023-06-16
pytest-pep8 None pytest plugin to check PEP8 requirements 2023-06-16
dnspython None DNS toolkit 2023-06-16
whoosh None Fast, pure-Python full text indexing, search, and spell checking library. 2023-06-16
versiontools None Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__ 2023-06-16
uwsgi None The uWSGI server 2023-06-16
unicode-slugify None A slug generator that turns strings into unicode slugs. 2023-06-16
txamqp None Python library for communicating with AMQP peers and brokers using Twisted 2023-06-16
subprocess32 None Backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x. 2023-06-16
sphinx None Python documentation generator 2023-06-16
simhash None A Python implementation of Simhash Algorithm 2023-06-16
requests-toolbelt None A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests 2023-06-16
python-swiftclient None OpenStack Object Storage API Client Library 2023-06-16
python-glanceclient None OpenStack Image API Client Library 2023-06-16
pytest-django None A Django plugin for py.test. 2023-06-16
pyramid None The Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project 2023-06-16
pymavlink None Python MAVLink code 2023-06-16
pyhammer None Build automation library 2023-06-16

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