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hargup / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pydub None Manipulate audio with an simple and easy high level interface 2023-06-16
pybloom None PyBloom: A Probabilistic data structure 2023-06-16
pex None The PEX packaging toolchain. 2023-06-16
petl None A Python package for extracting, transforming and loading tables of data. 2023-06-16
pattern None Web mining module for Python. 2023-06-16
oauthlib None A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic 2023-06-16
nose-timer None A timer plugin for nosetests 2023-06-16
moztest None Package for storing and outputting Mozilla test results 2023-06-16
moznetwork None Library of network utilities for use in Mozilla testing 2023-06-16
mixpanel-py None Official Mixpanel library for Python 2023-06-16
librabbitmq None AMQP Client using the rabbitmq-c library. 2023-06-16
fluent-logger None A Python logging handler for Fluentd event collector 2023-06-16
events None Bringing the elegance of C# EventHanlder to Python 2023-06-16
easyprocess None Easy to use python subprocess interface. 2023-06-16
django-model-utils None Django model mixins and utilities 2023-06-16
django-haystack None Pluggable search for Django. 2023-06-16
django-environ None u'\nDjango-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment\nvariables to configure your Django application.\n' 2023-06-16
django-common-helpers None Common things every Django app needs! 2023-06-16
djangocms-teaser None Teaser plugin for django CMS 2023-06-16
django-cache-url None Use Cache URLs in your Django application. 2023-06-16
contextlib2 None Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module 2023-06-16
conf_d None read configuration files, conf.d style 2023-06-16
braintree None Braintree Python Library 2023-06-16
asciitable None Extensible ASCII table reader and writer 2023-06-16
aioeventlet None asyncio event loop scheduling callbacks in eventlet. 2023-06-16
hgtools None Classes and setuptools plugin for Mercurial repositories 2023-06-16
xstatic-term.js None term.js 0.0.4 (XStatic packaging standard) 2023-06-16
xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop None Angular-lrdragndrop 1.0.2 (XStatic packaging standard) 2023-06-16
wtforms None A flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web development. 2023-06-16
wsgiref None WSGI (PEP 333) Reference Library 2023-06-16
whatthepatch None A patch parsing library. 2023-06-16
w3lib None Library of web-related functions 2023-06-16
transmissionrpc None Python module that implements the Transmission bittorent client RPC protocol. 2023-06-16
sqlitedict None Persistent dict in Python, backed up by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe. 2023-06-16
pytools None A collection of tools for Python 2023-06-16
python-memcached None Pure python memcached client 2023-06-16
pylru None A least recently used (LRU) cache implementation 2023-06-16
py-dag None Directed acyclic graph implementation 2023-06-16
more-itertools None More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools 2023-06-16
jsonrpc None A JSON-RPC 2.0 client-server library 2023-06-16
flask None A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions 2023-06-16
envoy None Simple API for running external processes. 2023-06-16
ecdsa None ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python) 2023-06-16
dpkt-fix None dumb packet module 2023-06-16
dogapi None Python bindings to Datadog's API and a user-facing command line tool. 2023-06-16
djorm-pgarray None PostgreSQL native array fields extension for Django. 2023-06-16
django-user-sessions None Django sessions with a foreign key to the user 2023-06-16
django-user_agents None A django package that allows easy identification of visitors' browser, operating system and device information (mobile phone, tablet or has touch capabilities). 2023-06-16
django-sendfile None Abstraction to offload file uploads to web-server (e.g. Apache with mod_xsendfile) once Django has checked permissions etc. 2023-06-16
django-sekizai None Django Sekizai 2023-06-16

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