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glueviz / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
glue-astronomy public Astronomy-specific plugins for glue 2023-06-16
python_abi public Metapackage to select python implementation 2023-06-16
echo public Callback Properties in Python 2023-06-16
semantic_version public A library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme. 2023-06-16
ipyscales public A widget library for scales 2023-06-16
ipydatawidgets public A set of widgets to help facilitate reuse of large datasets across widgets 2023-06-16
freetype-py public Python binding for the freetype library 2023-06-16
ipyvuetify public Jupyter widgets based on vuetify UI components 2023-06-16
glue-openspace public OpenSpace viewer plugin for glue 2023-06-16
glue-plotly public Plot.ly plugin for glue 2023-06-16
ipymaterialui public Modern form/ui elements for Jupyter Widgets 2023-06-16
bqplot-image-gl public Jupyter widget for displaying images with WebGL in bqplot 2023-06-16
glue-jupyter public Jupyter interface to glue 2023-06-16
specviz public No Summary 2023-06-16
glue-regions public Plugin for glue that handles Astropy regions 2023-06-16
cubeviz public Data analysis package for cubes. 2023-06-16
mosviz public Quick-look analysis and visualization tool for multi-object spectroscopy 2023-06-16
radio-beam public Tools for Beam I/O and Manipulation 2023-06-16
py-expression-eval public No Summary 2023-06-16
readline public library for editing command lines as they are typed in 2023-06-16
libuuid public Portable uuid C library. 2023-06-16
pythreejs public A Python / ThreeJS bridge utilizing the Jupyter widget infrastructure. 2023-06-16
vispy public VisPy is a high-performance interactive 2D/3D data visualization library. 2023-06-16
fontconfig public A library for configuring and customizing font access 2023-06-16
reproject public The reproject package implements image reprojection (resampling) methods for astronomical data. 2023-06-16
glue-wwt public WWT viewer plugin for glue 2023-06-16
pywwt public Use WorldWideTelescope in Python 2023-06-16
gwcs public Generalized World Coordinate System 2023-06-16
astropy-healpix public BSD-licensed HEALPix for Astropy 2023-06-16
regions public Astropy affilated package for region handling 2023-06-16
asdf public Python tools to handle ASDF files 2023-06-16
glue-core public Multi-dimensional linked data exploration 2023-06-16
bqplot public Plotting library for Jupyter 2023-06-16
ipyvolume public IPython widget for rendering 3d volumes in the Jupter notebook 2023-06-16
ipywebrtc public WebRTC for Jupyter notebook/lab 2023-06-16
traittypes public Trait types for NumPy, SciPy and friends 2023-06-16
ipympl public Matplotlib Jupyter Extension 2023-06-16
ipyevents public A custom widget for returning mouse and keyboard events to Python 2023-06-16
asteval public Simple and robust expressions evaluator for Python 2023-06-16
specutils public Astropy affiliated package for astronomical spectral operations. 2023-06-16
spectral-cube public A package for interaction with spectral cubes 2023-06-16
glue-exp public Experimental plugins for glue 2023-06-16
glue-vispy-viewers public 3D viewers for Glue 2023-06-16
glue-medical public Medical plugin for glue 2023-06-16
gdcm public No Summary 2023-06-16
mpl-scatter-density public Matplotlib helpers to make density scatter plots 2023-06-16
fast-histogram public Fast 1D and 2D histogram functions in Python 2023-06-16
pydicom public Pure python package for DICOM medical file reading and writing 2023-06-16
glue-samp public SAMP plugin for glue 2023-06-16
glue-geospatial public Geospatial plugin for glue 2023-06-16

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