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genomedk / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-ggimage public Supports image files and graphic objects to be visualized in 'ggplot2' graphic system. 2025-03-25
r-qgraph public Weighted network visualization and analysis, as well as Gaussian graphical model computation. See Epskamp et al. (2012) <doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i04>. 2025-03-25
rvtests public Rare variant test software for next generation sequencing data 2025-03-25
r-groupdata2 public Methods for dividing data into groups. Create balanced partitions and cross-validation folds. Perform time series windowing and general grouping and splitting of data. Balance existing groups with up- and downsampling. 2025-03-25
hyphy public An open-source software package for comparative sequence analysis using stochastic evolutionary models. 2025-03-25
abra2 public ABRA2 is an updated implementation of ABRA featuring 2025-03-25
r-bigutilsr public Utility functions for large-scale data. For now, package 'bigutilsr' mainly includes functions for outlier detection. 2025-03-25
r-hdpca public In high-dimensional settings: Estimate the number of distant spikes based on the Generalized Spiked Population (GSP) model. Estimate the population eigenvalues, angles between the sample and population eigenvectors, correlations between the sample and population PC scores, and the asymptotic shrinkage factors. Adjust the shrinkage bias in the predicted PC scores. 2025-03-25
ldak5-parallel public No Summary 2025-03-25
ldak5 public No Summary 2025-03-25
raremetal public No Summary 2025-03-25
cget public Cmake package retrieval 2025-03-25
perl-digest-sha1 public Perl interface to the SHA-1 algorithm 2025-03-25
perl-convert-uu public perl replacement for uudecode 2025-03-25
perl-file-map public Memory mapping made simple and safe. 2025-03-25
perl-perlio-layers public Querying your filehandle's capabilities 2025-03-25
perl public No Summary 2025-03-25
perl-extutils-cbuilder public Compile and link C code for Perl modules 2025-03-25
perl-devel-checklib public check that a library is available 2025-03-25
perl-io-captureoutput public capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS 2025-03-25
perl-mock-config public temporarily set Config or XSConfig values 2025-03-25
r public No Summary 2025-03-25
gdk-ssl-cert public No Summary 2025-03-25
finestructure public No Summary 2025-03-25
r-corehunter public Core Hunter is a tool to sample diverse, representative subsets from large germplasm collections, with minimum redundancy. Such so-called core collections have applications in plant breeding and genetic resource management in general. Core Hunter can construct cores based on genetic marker data, phenotypic traits or precomputed distance matrices, optimizing one of many provided evaluation measures depending on the precise purpose of the core (e.g. high diversity, representativeness, or allelic richness). In addition, multiple measures can be simultaneously optimized as part of a weighted index to bring the different perspectives closer together. The Core Hunter library is implemented in Java 8 as an open source project (see <http://www.corehunter.org>). 2025-03-25

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