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Package Name Access Summary Updated
pysal public library of spatial analysis functions 2023-06-16
pycrypto public No Summary 2023-06-16
py2cairo public No Summary 2023-06-16
py-xgboost public eXtreme Gradient Boosting 2023-06-16
pomegranate public probabilistic and graphical models for Python 2023-06-16
pil public No Summary 2023-06-16
parsel public library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors 2023-06-16
pandas-datareader public data readers extracted from the pandas codebase 2023-06-16
packaging public core utilities for Python packages 2023-06-16
numpydoc public Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format 2023-06-16
neo4j-python-driver public Database connector for Neo4j graph database 2023-06-16
mysql public No Summary 2023-06-16
more-itertools public more routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools 2023-06-16
mock public No Summary 2023-06-16
memory_profiler public Module for monitoring memory usage of a Python program 2023-06-16
mdp public No Summary 2023-06-16
libxml2 public The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome 2023-06-16
libuuid public portable uuid C library 2023-06-16
libpq public The postgres runtime libraries and utilities (not the server itself) 2023-06-16
libgpuarray public No Summary 2023-06-16
ldap3 public strictly RFC 4511 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client 2023-06-16
7za public No Summary 2023-06-16
phantomjs public No Summary 2023-06-16
tensorflow-gpu public TensorFlow is a machine learning library. 2023-06-16
pattern public Visual analysis and diagnostic tools to facilitate ML model selection 2023-06-16
openrefine public Power tool to load, understand, clean, reconcile and augment data 2023-06-16
nbsetuptools public No Summary 2023-06-16
libtorch-gpu public Torch libraries for use in PyTorch, GPU enabled version. 2023-06-16
caffe-gpu public A deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. 2023-06-16
arraymanagement public No Summary 2023-06-16
zope.sqlalchemy public Minimal Zope/SQLAlchemy transaction integration 2023-06-16
zict public mutable mapping tools 2023-06-16
wget public utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web 2023-06-16
websocket public No Summary 2023-06-16
unidecode public ASCII transliterations of Unicode text 2023-06-16
tabpy-client public Python client library to manage Tableau Python Server 2023-06-16
sqlite public No Summary 2023-06-16
sphinx public Documentation generator 2023-06-16
sparkmagic public Jupyter magics and kernels for working with remote Spark clusters 2023-06-16
spacy public Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing 2023-06-16
snappy public fast compressor/decompressor 2023-06-16
simplejson public Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 2023-06-16
setuptools_scm public Manage your versions by scm tags 2023-06-16
scikit-rf public Object Oriented RF/Microwave Engineering 2023-06-16
sas7bdat public sas7bdat file reader for Python 2023-06-16
rope public No Summary 2023-06-16
qtawesome public FontAwesome icons in PyQt and PySide applications 2023-06-16
qt public Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework 2023-06-16
pytest-timeout public py.test plugin to abort hanging tests 2023-06-16
pygpu public No Summary 2023-06-16

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