
No Description

Uploaded Tue Nov 15 20:33:37 2016
md5 checksum a23e93acf0db87dadd10c129abebcabf
app_entry fusion
app_type desk
arch x86_64
build py35_0
depends _license, bokeh >=0.12.2, flask ==0.10.1, ipython >=4.1.2, jupyter, matplotlib, openssl, pandas ==0.18, pyopenssl ==0.15.1, pytables, python 3.5*, scikit-learn
icon 2be0d44faa8588eee456be1c7dfbd63f.png
machine x86_64
operatingsystem darwin
platform osx
subdir osx-64
summary The power of Jupyter inside MS Excel
target-triplet x86_64-any-darwin
type app