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fongchun / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-muhaz public A package for producing a smooth estimate of the hazard function for censored data. 2023-06-16
r-epir public Tools for the analysis of epidemiological data. Contains functions for directly and indirectly adjusting measures of disease frequency, quantifying measures of association on the basis of single or multiple strata of count data presented in a contingency table, and computing confidence intervals around incidence risk and incidence rate estimates. Miscellaneous functions for use in meta-analysis, diagnostic test interpretation, and sample size calculations. 2023-06-16
r-knitr public Provides a general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R using Literate Programming techniques. 2023-06-16
r-rmarkdown public Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats. 2023-06-16
r-digest public Implementation of a function 'digest()' for the creation of hash digests of arbitrary R objects (using the md5, sha-1, sha-256, crc32, xxhash and murmurhash algorithms) permitting easy comparison of R language objects, as well as a function 'hmac()' to create hash-based message authentication code. . The md5 algorithm by Ron Rivest is specified in RFC 1321, the sha-1 and sha-256 algorithms are specified in FIPS-180-1 and FIPS-180-2, and the crc32 algorithm is described in ftp://ftp.rocksoft.com/cliens/rocksoft/papers/crc_v3.txt. . For md5, sha-1, sha-256 and aes, this package uses small standalone implementations that were provided by Christophe Devine. For crc32, code from the zlib library is used. For sha-512, an implementation by Aaron D. Gifford is used. For xxhash, the implementation by Yann Collet is used. For murmurhash, an implementation by Shane Day is used. . Please note that this package is not meant to be deployed for cryptographic purposes for which more comprehensive (and widely tested) libraries such as OpenSSL should be used. 2023-06-16
r-cofeaturer public Generate cofeature (feature by sample) matrices. The package utilizes ggplot2 2023-06-16
r-gtable public Tools to make it easier to work with "tables" of 'grobs'. 2023-06-16
r-magrittr public Provides a mechanism for chaining commands with a new forward-pipe operator, %>%. This operator will forward a value, or the result of an expression, into the next function call/expression. There is flexible support for the type of right-hand side expressions. For more information, see package vignette. To quote Rene Magritte, "Ceci n'est pas un pipe." 2023-06-16
r-ggdendro public This is a set of tools for dendrograms and tree plots using 'ggplot2'. The 'ggplot2' philosophy is to clearly separate data from the presentation. Unfortunately the plot method for dendrograms plots directly to a plot device without exposing the data. The 'ggdendro' package resolves this by making available functions that extract the dendrogram plot data. The package provides implementations for tree, rpart, as well as diana and agnes cluster diagrams. 2023-06-16
r-dichromat public Collapse red-green or green-blue distinctions to simulate the effects of different types of color-blindness. 2023-06-16
r-readr public Read flat/tabular text files from disk (or a connection). 2023-06-16
r-captioner public Provides a method for automatically numbering figures, tables, or other objects. Captions can be displayed in full, or as citations. This is especially useful for adding figures and tables to R markdown documents without having to numbering them manually. 2023-06-16
r-lazyeval public A disciplined approach to non-standard evaluation. 2023-06-16
r-assertthat public assertthat is an extension to stopifnot() that makes it easy to declare the pre and post conditions that you code should satisfy, while also producing friendly error messages so that your users know what they've done wrong. 2023-06-16
r-bitops public Functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors. 2023-06-16
r-psych public A general purpose toolbox for personality, psychometrics and experimental psychology. Functions are primarily for multivariate analysis and scale construction using factor analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis and reliability analysis, although others provide basic descriptive statistics. Item Response Theory is done using factor analysis of tetrachoric and polychoric correlations. Functions for analyzing data at multi-levels include within and between group statistics, including correlations and factor analysis. Functions for simulating particular item and test structures are included. Several functions serve as a useful front end for structural equation modeling. Graphical displays of path diagrams, factor analysis and structural equation models are created using basic graphics. Some of the functions are written to support a book on psychometrics as well as publications in personality research. For more information, see the personality-project.org/r webpage. 2023-06-16
r-broom public Convert statistical analysis objects from R into tidy data frames, so that they can more easily be combined, reshaped and otherwise processed with tools like 'dplyr', 'tidyr' and 'ggplot2'. The package provides three S3 generics: tidy, which summarizes a model's statistical findings such as coefficients of a regression; augment, which adds columns to the original data such as predictions, residuals and cluster assignments; and glance, which provides a one-row summary of model-level statistics. 2023-06-16
r-dbi public A database interface (DBI) definition for communication between R and relational database management systems. All classes in this package are virtual and need to be extended by the various R/DBMS implementations. 2023-06-16
r-ggfortify public Unified plotting tools for statistics commonly used, such as GLM, time series, PCA families, clustering and survival analysis. The package offers a single plotting interface for these analysis results and plots in a unified style using 'ggplot2'. 2023-06-16
r-brew public brew implements a templating framework for mixing text and R code for report generation. brew template syntax is similar to PHP, Ruby's erb module, Java Server Pages, and Python's psp module. 2023-06-16
r-setwidth public Automatically sets the value of options("width") when the terminal emulator is resized. The functions of this package only work if R is compiled for Linux systems and it is running interactively in a terminal emulator. 2023-06-16
r-scatterd3 public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-findpython public Package designed to find an acceptable python binary. 2023-06-16
r-rstudioapi public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-htmltools public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-glmnet public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-survc1 public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-packrat public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-shiny public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-rsconnect public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-miniui public No Summary 2023-06-16

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