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fastchan / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
py-lief public A cross platform library to parse, modify and abstract ELF, PE and MachO formats. 2023-06-16
dataclasses public An implementation of PEP 557: Data Classes 2023-06-16
ripgrep public ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern 2023-06-16
liblief public A cross platform library to parse, modify and abstract ELF, PE and MachO formats. 2023-06-16
c-ares public This is c-ares, an asynchronous resolver library 2023-06-16
libaec public Adaptive Entropy Coding library 2023-06-16
charls public CharLS is a C++ implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless and near-lossless image compression and decompression. JPEG-LS is a low-complexity image compression standard that matches JPEG 2000 compression ratios. 2023-06-16
jxrlib public jxrlib - JPEG XR Library by Microsoft, built from Debian hosted sources. 2023-06-16
jupyterlab_pygments public Pygments syntax coloring scheme making use of the JupyterLab CSS variables 2023-06-16
stack_data public Extract data from python stack frames and tracebacks for informative displays 2023-06-16
tinycss2 public Low-level CSS parser for Python 2023-06-16
send2trash public Python library to natively send files to Trash (or Recycle bin) on all platforms. 2023-06-16
pure_eval public Safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects 2023-06-16
nest-asyncio public Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops 2023-06-16
flit-core public Simplified packaging of Python modules 2023-06-16
executing public Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information 2023-06-16
backcall public Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API 2023-06-16
fribidi public The Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. 2023-06-16
llvm-openmp public The OpenMP API supports multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++ and Fortran. 2023-06-16
libgcc-ng public The GCC low-level runtime library 2023-06-16
_libgcc_mutex public Mutex for libgcc and libgcc-ng 2023-06-16
gtk2 public Primary library used to construct user interfaces in GNOME applications 2023-06-16
libclang public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2023-06-16
fastai public fastai simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices 2023-06-16
fastprogress public A nested progress with plotting options for fastai 2023-06-16
grpc-cpp public gRPC - A high-performance, open-source universal RPC framework 2023-06-16
libutf8proc public a clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data 2023-06-16
liblapack public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-16
libnghttp2 public This is an implementation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2. 2023-06-16
pynvml public Python Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library 2023-06-16
libcblas public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-16
libblas public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-16
yaml-cpp public yaml-cpp is a YAML parser and emitter in C++ matching the YAML 1.2 spec. 2023-06-16
requests-toolbelt public A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests. 2023-06-16
boltons public boltons should be builtins. Boltons is a set of over 160 BSD-licensed, pure-Python utilities in the same spirit as--and yet conspicuously missing from--the standard library. 2023-06-16
sympy public Python library for symbolic mathematics 2023-06-16
mpmath public Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic 2023-06-16
gmpy2 public GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC interface to Python 2.6+ and 3.x 2023-06-16
mpc public A C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision. 2023-06-16
mpfr public The MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding. 2023-06-16
anaconda-project public Tool for encapsulating, running, and reproducing data science projects 2023-06-16
olefile public Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files (Structured Storage or Compound Document, Microsoft Office) - Improved version of the OleFileIO module from PIL, the Python Image Library. 2023-06-16
backports.weakref public Backport of new features in Python's weakref module 2023-06-16
setuptools public Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages 2023-06-16
appdirs public A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs 2023-06-16
libgcrypt public a general purpose cryptographic library originally based on code from GnuPG. 2023-06-16
mpg123 public mpg123 - fast console MPEG Audio Player and decoder library 2023-06-16
pcre2 public Regular expression pattern matching using Perl 5 syntax and semantics. 2023-06-16
watchdog public Filesystem events monitoring 2023-06-16
astunparse public An AST unparser for Python. 2023-06-16

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