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fastai / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pshnb public AI magic 2024-12-16
fastcore public Python supercharged for fastai development 2024-12-14
execnb public A description of your project 2024-12-04
nbdev public Create delightful software with Jupyter Notebooks 2024-12-03
sqlite-minutils public A fork of sqlite-utils with CLI etc removed 2024-12-01
fastcaddy public A simple python wrapper for using the Caddy API 2024-11-19
nbdev-apl public nbdev docs lookup for numpy 2024-11-17
nbdev-django public nbdev docs lookup for django 2024-11-17
nbdev-sphinx public nbdev docs lookup for sphinx 2024-11-17
nbdev-scipy public nbdev docs lookup for scipy 2024-11-17
nbdev-pytorch public nbdev docs lookup for PyTorch 2024-11-17
nbdev-pandas public nbdev docs lookup for the python standard library 2024-11-17
nbdev-numpy public nbdev docs lookup for numpy 2024-11-17
fastlite public A bit of extra usability for sqlite 2024-10-22
msglm public msglm makes it a little easier to create messages for language models like Claude and OpenAI GPTs. 2024-10-15
llms-txt public The /llms.txt file, helping language models use your website 2024-09-23
ghapi public A python client for the GitHub API 2024-08-31
fastai public fastai simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices 2024-08-27
llm-ctx public Create an LLM XML context document from an llms.txt file 2024-08-26
fa6-icons public fontawesome 6 free icons as SVGs 2024-08-25
toolslm public Tools to make language models a bit easier to use 2024-08-21
fastsql public A MiniDataAPI spec implementation for SQLAlchemy V2 2024-08-15
opencv-python-headless public Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings. 2024-06-17
sentencepiece public SentencePiece python wrapper 2024-02-19
albumentations public Fast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other libraries 2024-02-18
nbdev-stdlib public nbdev docs lookup for the python standard library 2024-01-01
timm public PyTorch Image Models 2023-11-25
imgaug public Image augmentation library for deep neural networks 2023-06-18
cards-deck public An example repository for nbdev 2023-06-18
fastkaggle public Kaggling for fast kagglers! 2023-06-18
fastdownload public A general purpose data downloading library. 2023-06-16
fastcgi public A fastcgi handler for Python's `socketserver` classes 2023-06-16
fastdoc public Convert jupyter notebooks to asciidoc 2023-06-16
fastdot public A simple wrapper over `pydot` which fixes some sharp edges 2023-06-16
jlang public The J programming language 2023-06-16
fastgpu public A queue service for quickly developing scripts that use all your GPUs efficiently 2023-06-16
fastbook public Deep Learning for Coders, 2020 2023-06-16
gh public No Summary 2023-06-16
nvidia-ml-py3 public Python Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library 2023-06-16
fastprogress public A nested progress with plotting options for fastai 2023-06-16

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