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Esri / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
geopandas public Geographic pandas extensions 2024-10-02
gdown public Download a large file from Google Drive. 2024-10-02
fiona public Fiona reads and writes spatial data files 2024-10-02
ffmpeg public Cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. 2024-10-02
expat public Expat XML parser library in C 2024-10-02
deep-learning-essentials public A collection of the essential packages to work with deep learning packages and ArcGIS Pro. 2024-10-02
cairo public Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. 2024-10-02
pyinstaller-hooks-contrib public Community maintained hooks for PyInstaller 2024-10-02
conda-standalone public Entry point and dependency collection for PyInstaller-based standalone conda. 2024-10-02
aom public Alliance for Open Media video codec 2024-10-02
setuptools public Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages 2024-10-02
overturemaps public Python tools for interacting with Overture Maps (overturemaps.org) data. 2024-10-02
jinja2-time public Jinja2 Extension for Dates and Times 2024-10-02
openssl-static public OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols 2024-10-02
sspilib public SSPI API bindings for Python 2024-10-02
openssl public OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols 2024-10-02
cryptography-vectors public Test vectors for the cryptography package. 2024-10-02
cryptography public Provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers 2024-10-02
pyspnego public Windows Negotiate Authentication Client and Server 2024-10-02
gdal public GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats. 2024-10-02
h5py public Read and write HDF5 files from Python 2024-10-02
ipython public IPython: Productive Interactive Computing 2024-10-02
libopencv public Computer vision and machine learning software library. 2024-10-02
netcdf4 public Provides an object-oriented python interface to the netCDF version 4 library. 2024-10-02
opencv public Computer vision and machine learning software library. 2024-10-02
py-opencv public Computer vision and machine learning software library. 2024-10-02
arcgis_notebook_server public A Metapackage to simplify installation of Notebook Server dependencies. 2024-09-30
pytables public Brings together Python, HDF5 and NumPy to easily handle large amounts of data. 2024-09-30
pygments public Generic syntax highlighting package 2024-09-30
prompt-toolkit public Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python 2024-09-30
prometheus_client public A Python client for the Prometheus monitor system. 2024-09-30
papermill public Papermill parameterizes, executes, and analyzes Jupyter Notebooks. 2024-09-30
notebook-shim public A shim layer for notebook traits and config 2024-09-30
nbformat public The reference implementation of the Jupyter Notebook format 2024-09-30
nbconvert public Converting Jupyter Notebooks 2024-09-30
nbclassic public A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing 2024-09-30
mljar-supervised public Automated Machine Learning Pipeline with Feature Engineering and Hyper-Parameters Tuning 2024-09-30
libnetcdf public Libraries and data formats that support array-oriented scientific data. 2024-09-30
libgdal public The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) 2024-09-30
kealib public The KEA format provides an implementation of the GDAL specification within the the HDF5 file format. 2024-09-30
jupyterlab_widgets public JupyterLab extension providing HTML widgets 2024-09-30
jupyterlab_server public A set of server components for JupyterLab and JupyterLab like applications. 2024-09-30
jupyter_server public The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints to Jupyter web applications. 2024-09-30
jupyter_events public Jupyter Event System library 2024-09-30
json5 public A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format 2024-09-30
hdf5 public HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data 2024-09-30
comm public Python Comm implementation for the Jupyter kernel protocol 2024-09-30
bitsandbytes public k-bit optimizers and matrix multiplication routines. 2024-09-30
ansicolors public ANSI colors for Python 2024-09-30
pro_extension_ui public UI extension for JupyterLab 4 based Pro notebooks 2024-09-25

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