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Esri / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
conda-proup public Upgrade conda environments for ArcGIS 2024-09-13
setuptools public Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages 2024-09-13
arcgis public ArcGIS API for Python 2024-09-13
arcpy public The Esri ArcPy Python library 2024-09-12
arcpy-base public The Esri ArcPy Python library 2024-09-12
ipython public IPython: Productive Interactive Computing 2024-09-12
conda-standalone public Entry point and dependency collection for PyInstaller-based standalone conda. 2024-09-12
pyinstaller public PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package. 2024-09-12
gdal public GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats. 2024-09-12
tokenizers public Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production 2024-09-12
_jupyter_events_tests public Jupyter Event System library 2024-09-11
zstd public Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm 2024-09-11
zlib-ng public zlib data compression library for the next generation systems 2024-09-11
xeus-zmq public ZeroMQ-based middleware for xeus 2024-09-11
xeus-python public A Jupyter kernel for the Python programming language based on Xeus 2024-09-11
widgetsnbextension public Interactive Widgets for Jupyter 2024-09-11
truststore public Truststore 2024-09-11
transformers public State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow 2024-09-11
tiledb public The Universal Storage Engine 2024-09-11
thrift public Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system 2024-09-11
sqlite public Implements a self-contained, zero-configuration, SQL database engine 2024-09-11
spyder public The Scientific Python Development Environment 2024-09-11
spconv public Spatial sparse convolution 2024-09-11
snappy public A fast compressor/decompressor 2024-09-11
shapely public Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects 2024-09-11
samgeo public A collection of the essential packages to work with the Segment Geospatial (samgeo) stack. 2024-09-11
rasterio public Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets 2024-09-11
pyzmq public ZeroMQ bindings for Python 2024-09-11
pytorch public PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs. 2024-09-11
python-gssapi public A Python interface to RFC 2743/2744 (plus common extensions) 2024-09-11
python-duckdb public An Embeddable Analytical Database 2024-09-11
python public General purpose programming language 2024-09-11
pyproj public Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library). 2024-09-11
pypdf public A library to read and write PDFs with Python 2024-09-11
pygments public Generic syntax highlighting package 2024-09-11
pyarrow public Python library for apache arrow 2024-09-11
py-opencv public Computer vision and machine learning software library. 2024-09-11
pro_notebook_integration public Jupyter extensions to ArcGIS Pro 2024-09-11
protobuf public Python Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format 2024-09-11
prompt_toolkit public Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python 2024-09-11
prompt-toolkit public Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python 2024-09-11
prometheus_client public A Python client for the Prometheus monitor system. 2024-09-11
proj4 public Cartographic Projections and Coordinate Transformations Library 2024-09-11
pixman public A low-level software library for pixel manipulation. 2024-09-11
pillow public Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by Alex Clark and Contributors. 2024-09-11
papermill public Papermill parameterizes, executes, and analyzes Jupyter Notebooks. 2024-09-11
orc public C++ libraries for Apache ORC 2024-09-11
openssl-static public OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols 2024-09-11
openssl public OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols 2024-09-11
opencv public Computer vision and machine learning software library. 2024-09-11

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