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Esri / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
nvidia-ml-py3 public Python bindings to the NVIDIA Management Library 2024-03-19
nuscenes-devkit public The devkit of the nuScenes dataset 2024-03-19
motmetrics public Metrics for multiple object tracker benchmarking. 2024-03-19
imgaug public Image augmentation for machine learning experiments 2024-03-19
gputil public NVIDIA GPU status from Python 2024-03-19
fairlearn public Simple and easy fairness assessment and unfairness mitigation 2024-03-19
fire public Python Fire is a library for creating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object. 2024-03-19
ensemble-boxes public Python implementation of several methods for ensembling boxes from object detection models: Non-maximum Suppression (NMS), Soft-NMS, Non-maximum weighted (NMW), Weighted boxes fusion (WBF) 2024-03-19
dtreeviz public A python library for decision tree visualization and model interpretation. 2024-03-19
cmaes public Lightweight Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) implementation for Python 3. 2024-03-19
cliff public Command Line Interface Formulation Framework 2024-03-19
category_encoders public A collection sklearn transformers to encode categorical variables as numeric 2024-03-19
albumentations public Fast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other libraries 2024-03-19
lerc public Limited Error Raster Compression 2024-03-13
pylerc public Limited Error Raster Compression 2024-03-10
rioxarray public rasterio xarray extension. 2023-10-31
metpy public A collection of tools for reading, visualizing and analyzing weather data. 2023-10-27
pooch public A friend to fetch your data files 2023-10-27
pint public Operate and manipulate physical quantities in Python 2023-10-27
cartopy public A library providing cartographic tools for python. 2023-10-26
harfbuzz public A text shaping library. 2023-10-13
python-graphviz public Simple Python interface for Graphviz 2023-10-12
spyder-kernels public Jupyter kernels for Spyder's console 2023-09-28
pefile public pefile is a Python module to read and work with PE (Portable Executable) files 2023-08-25
tinycss2 public Low-level CSS parser for Python 2023-08-25
jpeg public Read and write JPEG files and metadata 2023-08-25
geomet public GeoMet - Convert GeoJSON to WKT/WKB, and vice versa 2023-08-25
exceptiongroup public Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups) 2023-08-25
stack_data public Extract data from python stack frames and tracebacks for informative displays 2023-08-25
traitlets public Configuration system for Python applications 2023-08-25
saspy public A Python interface to SAS 2023-08-25
jupyter_contrib_core public Common utilities for jupyter-contrib projects. 2023-08-25
jupyter_latex_envs public Jupyter nbextension providing some LaTeX environments for markdown cells. 2023-08-25
jupyter_contrib_nbextensions public A collection of Jupyter nbextensions. 2023-08-25
jedi public An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors. 2023-08-25
requests_ntlm2 public requests-ntlm2 is based on requests-ntlm, and allows for HTTP NTLM authentication using the requests library. 2023-08-25
pdm-pep517 public A PEP 517 backend for PDM that supports PEP 621 metadata 2023-08-25
libzlib public Massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library 2023-08-25
conda-tree public conda dependency tree helper 2023-08-25
requests-gssapi public A GSSAPI authentication handler for python-requests 2023-08-25
six public Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities 2023-06-29
ntlm-auth public Calculates NTLM Authentication codes 2023-06-29
azure-storage-blob public Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python 2023-06-29
testpath public Test utilities for Python code working with files and commands 2023-06-29
jupyter_highlight_selected_word public Jupyter notebook extension that enables highlighting of all instances of the currently-selected or cursor-adjecent word in either the current cell's editor, or in the whole notebook. Based on the CodeMirror addon https://codemirror.net/demo/matchhighlighter.html extended to work across multiple editors. 2023-06-29
pywinpty public Python bindings for the winpty library 2023-06-29
pyjwt public JSON Web Token implementation in Python 2023-06-29
vs2015_runtime public MSVC runtimes associated with cl.exe version 19.27.29111 (VS 2019 update 5) 2023-06-29
pathspec public Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths. 2023-06-29
python-certifi-win32 public Add windows certificate store to certifi cacerts. 2023-06-29

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