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Esri / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pypdf public A library to read and write PDFs with Python 2025-03-09
anywidget public simple, custom Jupyter widgets 2025-03-09
psygnal public Pure python implementation of Qt Signals 2025-03-09
overturemaps public Python tools for interacting with Overture Maps (overturemaps.org) data. 2025-03-09
papermill public Papermill parameterizes, executes, and analyzes Jupyter Notebooks. 2025-03-09
hdf5 public HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data 2025-03-09
arcgis_learn public A Metapackage to simplify installation of the required deep learning dependecies for ArcGIS Python API. 2025-03-09
notebook public A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing 2025-03-09
spyder public The Scientific Python Development Environment 2025-03-09
conda-proup public Upgrade conda environments for ArcGIS 2025-03-07
conda-tree public conda dependency tree helper 2025-02-19
paddlepaddle public An easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable deep learning platform. 2025-02-06
cudnn public NVIDIA's cuDNN deep neural network acceleration library 2025-01-29
jupyterlab public An extensible environment for interactive and reproducible computing, based on the Jupyter Notebook and Architecture. 2024-12-19
arcgis-server-py3 public Native Linux ArcPy for ArcGIS Server 2024-10-22
yarl public Yet another URL library 2024-10-18
asyncssh public AsyncSSH: Asynchronous SSHv2 client and server library 2024-10-18
tokenize-rt public A wrapper around the stdlib `tokenize` which roundtrips. 2024-10-18
aws-sdk-cpp public C++ library that makes it easy to integrate C++ applications with AWS services 2024-10-02
pyinstaller public PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package. 2024-10-02
_jupyter_events_tests public Jupyter Event System library 2024-10-02
xeus-zmq public ZeroMQ-based middleware for xeus 2024-10-02
xeus-python public A Jupyter kernel for the Python programming language based on Xeus 2024-10-02
widgetsnbextension public Interactive Widgets for Jupyter 2024-10-02
tiledb public The Universal Storage Engine 2024-10-02
thrift public Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system 2024-10-02
shapely public Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects 2024-10-02
rasterio public Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets 2024-10-02
pyzmq public ZeroMQ bindings for Python 2024-10-02
pyright public Command line wrapper for pyright, a static type checker 2024-10-02
pyproj public Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library). 2024-10-02
protobuf public Python Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format 2024-10-02
prompt_toolkit public Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python 2024-10-02
proj4 public Cartographic Projections and Coordinate Transformations Library 2024-10-02
pixman public A low-level software library for pixel manipulation. 2024-10-02
onnxruntime-cpp public cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator 2024-10-02
nb_conda_kernels public Launch Jupyter kernels for any installed conda environment 2024-10-02
libsrt public Secure, Reliable Transport 2024-10-02
libnghttp2 public package 2024-10-02
libjpeg-turbo public IJG JPEG compliant runtime library with SIMD and other optimizations. 2024-10-02
libgrpc public gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call\n(RPC) framework that can run anywhere. gRPC enables client and server\napplications to communicate transparently, and simplifies the building\nof connected systems.\n\nThis package contains the gRPC C++ libraries and header files, as well\nas the code generation plugins.\n 2024-10-02
jupyter_events_with_cli public Jupyter Event System library 2024-10-02
ipywidgets None Jupyter Interactive Widgets 2024-10-02
ipykernel public IPython Kernel for Jupyter 2024-10-02
imagecodecs public Image transformation, compression, and decompression codecs 2024-10-02
hatchling public Modern, extensible Python build backend 2024-10-02
hatch-nodejs-version public Hatch plugin for versioning from a package.json file 2024-10-02
hatch-jupyter-builder public A hatch plugin to help build Jupyter packages 2024-10-02
geos public GEOS - Geometry Engine, Open Source 2024-10-02
geopandas-base public Geographic pandas extensions 2024-10-02

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