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Esri / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
magma-cuda118 public No Summary 2024-04-09
einops public A new flavour of deep learning operations 2024-04-09
mmengine public Engine of OpenMMLab projects 2024-04-09
mmdet public OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark 2024-04-09
detreg public PyTorch Wrapper for CUDA Functions of Multi-Scale Deformable Attention 2024-04-09
mmsegmentation public Open MMLab Semantic Segmentation Toolbox and Benchmark 2024-04-09
stevedore public Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications 2024-04-09
tensorboard public TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit 2024-04-09
tensorboardx public tensorboard for pytorch 2024-04-09
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem public Dataset, streaming, and file system extensions 2024-04-09
mmcv public Foundational library for computer vision research 2024-04-09
tensorflow-model-optimization public A suite of tools that users, both novice and advanced can use to optimize machine learning models for deployment and execution. 2024-04-09
keras public Deep Learning for Python 2024-04-09
blosc public A blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library that can be faster than `memcpy()` 2024-04-09
fontconfig public A library for configuring and customizing font access. 2024-04-09
glib public Provides core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. 2024-04-09
glib-tools public Provides core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. 2024-04-09
libclang13 public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-04-09
libglib public Provides core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. 2024-04-09
numpy-base public Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects. 2024-04-09
ansiwrap public textwrap, but savvy to ANSI colors and styles 2024-04-09
textwrap3 public textwrap from Python 3.6 backport (plus a few tweaks) 2024-04-09
cppzmq public C++ header-only binding for the ZeroMQ library 2024-04-09
rasterstats public Summarize geospatial raster datasets based on vector geometries 2024-04-09
annotated-types public Reusable constraint types to use with typing.Annotated 2024-04-09
datasets public HuggingFace/Datasets is an open library of NLP datasets. 2024-04-09
oauthlib public A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic 2024-04-09
puremagic public Pure python implementation of magic file detection 2024-04-09
pydantic public Data validation and settings management using python type hinting 2024-04-09
backcall public Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API 2024-04-09
_tflow_select public No Summary 2024-04-09
tensorflow-base public TensorFlow is a machine learning library, base GPU package, tensorflow only. 2024-04-09
tensorflow-gpu public TensorFlow is a machine learning library. 2024-04-09
paddlepaddle public An easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable deep learning platform. 2024-04-09
dask public Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling 2024-04-08
catboost public Gradient boosting on decision trees library 2024-04-08
dtreeviz-extended public A python library for decision tree visualization and model interpretation. 2024-04-08
googledrivedownloader public Minimal class to download shared files from Google Drive. 2024-04-08
iniconfig public iniconfig: brain-dead simple config-ini parsing 2024-04-08
keepalive public An HTTP handler for urllib that supports HTTP 1.1 and keepalive 2024-04-08
keras-base public No Summary 2024-04-08
keras-gpu public Deep Learning Library for Theano and TensorFlow 2024-04-08
multi-scale-deformable-attention public PyTorch Wrapper for CUDA Functions of Multi-Scale Deformable Attention 2024-04-08
rdflib public Library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful language for representing information. 2024-04-08
sacremoses public SacreMoses 2024-04-08
sparqlwrapper public SPARQL Endpoint interface to Python for use with rdflib 2024-04-08
wordcloud public A little word cloud generator in Python 2024-04-08
libabseil public Abseil Common Libraries (C++) 2024-04-08
libutf8proc public a clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data 2024-04-08
mmcv-full public OpenMMLab Computer Vision Foundation 2024-04-08

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