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esrf-bcu / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bronkhorst-flowbus-ds public A Tango device server for the unified control of Bronkhorst systems 2025-03-28
lima-camera-pilatus-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-26
lima-camera-pilatus public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-26
libcdma public libcdma provides Contiguous Memory Allocator (CMA) 2025-03-25
supervisor public A Process Control System 2025-03-25
lima2-dectris public LImA is a library for unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
kvrocks public Apache Kvrocks is a distributed key value NoSQL database that uses RocksDB as storage engine and is compatible with Redis protocol 2025-03-25
icat-esrf-definitions public ESRF ICAT definitions 2025-03-25
libmumo public libmumo provides some basic functions to communicate with multi module devices 2025-03-25
librashpa public librashpa provides high performance data acquisition for 2D detectors 2025-03-25
rigaku-sdk public SDK files for Rigaku cameras. 2025-03-25
querypool public Execution pool with caching and early return 2025-03-25
tucam-sdk-gui public Tucsen Photonics SDK for Linux platform. 2025-03-25
blisswriter public Bliss NeXus-compliant HDF5 file writer 2025-03-25
lima-camera-hamamatsu public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-hamamatsu-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
pytango-db public Python Tango Database server 2025-03-25
mosca public A library for the unified control of MCA detectors 2025-03-25
redis-om public Object mappings, and more, for Redis. 2025-03-25
python-ulid public Universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier 2025-03-25
lima-camera-minipix public A library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-minipix-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
tango-hexapode public Tango ESRF Hexapode server 2025-03-25
scriv public Scriv changelog management tool 2025-03-25
redisjson public Queries, secondary indexing, and full-text search for Redis 2025-03-25
redisearch public Queries, secondary indexing, and full-text search for Redis 2025-03-25
bronkhorst-propar public Bronkhorst Propar communication module 2025-03-25
dectris-compression public Compression algorithms used by DECTRIS 2025-03-25
tango-rga public Device server for MKS RGA controllers 2025-03-25
tango-gpib public Device server for GPIB controllers 2025-03-25
fli-sdk public The Finger Lakes Instrumentation, L.L.C. (FLI) sdk 2025-03-25
lima-camera-fli-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-fli public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
asyncio-gevent public asyncio & gevent in harmony 2025-03-25
cpptango-dbg public Tango-Controls C++ library 2025-03-25
tango-can556 public Tango device server for Canberra AIM556 controllers 2025-03-25
pvcam-sdk public SDK files for Teledyne Photometrics cameras. 2025-03-25
pvcam-runtime public SDK files for Teledyne Photometrics cameras. 2025-03-25
zwo-sdk public The ZWO Company sdk 2025-03-25
lima-camera-iris public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-iris-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
blissdata public Bliss data streaming client 2025-03-25
pyicat-plus public Python client to ICAT+ 2025-03-25
dancecmd public Dance CLI for ESL dance devices 2025-03-25
pylibdeep public A Dance client library in Python. 2025-03-25
libdeep public libdeep provides some basic functions to communicate with ESRF ISG devices 2025-03-25
boost-cpp-mpi public Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. 2025-03-25
tango-epicea public Tango ESRF Epicea electrometer device server 2025-03-25
lima-camera-xspress3-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-xspress3 public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25

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