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esrf-bcu / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
boost-cpp-mpi public Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. 2023-06-18
lima-launcher public LImA is a library for unified control of 2D detectors 2023-06-18
tmux public A terminal multiplexer. 2023-06-18
ximea-sdk public xiAPI stands for XIMEA Application Programming Interface. 2023-06-18
warlock public Python object model built on JSON schema and JSON patch. 2023-06-18
bitshuffle-cpp public Filter for improving compression of typed binary data. 2023-06-16
eurotherm2400 public Tango Device server for Eurotherm2400 serial line connection 2023-06-16
vacgaugeserver public Device server for Vacuum Valves connected to the BL PLC 2023-06-16
finite-state-machine public Lightweight, decorator-based implementation of a Finite State Machine 2023-06-16
plcvacuumvalve public Device server for Vacuum Valves connected to the BL PLC 2023-06-16
libconfig public C/C++ Configuration File Library 2023-06-16
attocube_ids public Python SDK for Attocube IDS controllers 2023-06-16
attocube-ids public Python SDK for Attocube IDS controllers 2023-06-16
cli public A cross-platform header only C++14 library for interactive command line interfaces 2023-06-16
sml public C++14 State Machine Library 2023-06-16
bitshuffle public Filter for improving compression of typed binary data. 2023-06-16
pco-sdk-clhs public SDK files for PCO cameras. 2023-06-16
pco-sdk-me4 public SDK files for PCO cameras. 2023-06-16
craydl_c public C binding for RayonixHs C++ craydl library 2023-06-16
slsdet public No Summary 2023-06-16
slsdetlib public No Summary 2023-06-16
pytango public Python binding for the TANGO control system 2023-06-16
perkinelmer-sdk public SDK for windows 10 64 for Perkinelmer Flatpanel detector. 2023-06-16
siso-sdk public SDK files for Silicon Software frame grabbers. 2023-06-16
xspectrum-sdk public a library for X-Spectrum detectors 2023-06-16
attocube_sdk public Python SDK for Attocube AMC controllers 2023-06-16
clhpp public OpenCL Host API C++ bindings 2023-06-16
gsl public GNU Scientific Library 2023-06-16
tango-test public TangoTest device server 2023-06-16
cpptango public Tango-Controls C++ library 2023-06-16
tango-idl public This is the Tango CORBA IDL file 2023-06-16
aiogevent public asyncio API (PEP 3156) implemented on top of gevent 2023-06-16
arinax-sdk public The Arinax sdk for AOV-Bzoom camera video server 2023-06-16
coilmq public Simple, lightweight, and easily extensible STOMP message broker. 2023-06-16
pid public No Summary 2023-06-16
prompt-toolkit public Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python 2023-06-16
redis public Advanced key-value cache and store 2023-06-16
lima-bpm-web-server public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2023-06-16
tango-metadata public ESRF Data Policy metadata manager and meta experiment Tango servers 2023-06-16
stompest public STOMP library for Python including a synchronous client. 2023-06-16
tailon public Webapp for looking at and searching through files and streams. 2023-06-16
simple-pid public A simple, easy to use PID controller 2023-06-16
umodbus public Implementation of the Modbus protocol in pure Python. 2023-06-16
lima-camera-dexela public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2023-06-16
lima-camera-merlin public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2023-06-16
lima-camera-ultra-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2023-06-16
libyat public YAT is a general purpose C++ library.Its purpose is to provide the developer with useful, easy to use and powerful C++ tools for the common (i.e. classical) developement tasks. 2023-06-16
libdexela public a small library based on xclib for use with a Dexela 1207 X-Ray detector. 2023-06-16
lima-camera-mythen3-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2023-06-16
lima-camera-dexela-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2023-06-16

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