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esrf-bcu / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pid public No Summary 2025-03-25
prompt-toolkit public Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python 2025-03-25
redis public Advanced key-value cache and store 2025-03-25
lima-bpm-web-server public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
tango-metadata public ESRF Data Policy metadata manager and meta experiment Tango servers 2025-03-25
stompest public STOMP library for Python including a synchronous client. 2025-03-25
tailon public Webapp for looking at and searching through files and streams. 2025-03-25
simple-pid public A simple, easy to use PID controller 2025-03-25
umodbus public Implementation of the Modbus protocol in pure Python. 2025-03-25
libyat public YAT is a general purpose C++ library.Its purpose is to provide the developer with useful, easy to use and powerful C++ tools for the common (i.e. classical) developement tasks. 2025-03-25
libdexela public a small library based on xclib for use with a Dexela 1207 X-Ray detector. 2025-03-25
debug public No Summary 2025-03-25
lima-camera-dexela-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-xh-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-ultra-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-pixirad-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-mythen3-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-merlin-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-marccd-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-imxpad-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-dexela public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-xh public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-ultra public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-pixirad public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-mythen3 public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-merlin public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-marccd public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-imxpad public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
pt100 public xcalibu library to manage calibrations 2025-03-25
timedisplay public timedisplay lib to format a time duration in a human readable string 2025-03-25
xcalibu public xcalibu library to manage calibrations 2025-03-25
pyfiglet public Pure-python FIGlet implementation 2025-03-25
markdown-inline-graphviz public Render inline graphs with Markdown and Graphviz 2025-03-25
lima-camera-pco public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
pco-sdk public SDK files for PCO cameras. 2025-03-25
python-seabreeze public Python module for Ocean Optics spectrometer 2025-03-25
lima-tango-server public A library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-slsdetector-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-pointgrey-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-frelon-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-andor3-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-maxipix-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-andor-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-eiger-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-ueye-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-meta-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-pco-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-v4l2-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-basler-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25
lima-camera-prosilica-tango public a library for the unified control of 2D detectors 2025-03-25

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