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csdms-stack / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bmi-example-fortran public Sample implementation of Fortran BMI specification 2025-03-25
pymt_prms_streamflow public Python package that wraps the PRMS Streamflow BMI. 2025-03-25
prms_streamflow public USGS Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) Streamflow component 2025-03-25
pymt_prms_groundwater public Python package that wraps the PRMS Groundwater BMI. 2025-03-25
prms_groundwater public USGS Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) Groundwater component 2025-03-25
pymt_prms_soil public Python package that wraps the PRMS Soil BMI. 2025-03-25
prms_soil public USGS Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) Soil component 2025-03-25
pymt_prms_surface public Python package that wraps the PRMS Surface BMI. 2025-03-25
prms_surface public USGS Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) Surface component 2025-03-25
prms public The USGS Precipitation Runoff Modeling System 2025-03-25
coretran public The coretran numerical library 2025-03-25
boost-gcc public Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. This version is built with gcc and a reduced set of libraries. 2025-03-25
dakota public The Dakota toolkit provides a flexible, extensible interface between simulation codes and a variety of iterative systems analysis methods, including optimization, uncertainty quantification, deterministic/stochastic calibration, and parametric/sensitivity/variance analysis. 2025-03-25
iriclib public iRIC software is a free numerical simulation platform supporting a wide variety of computational solvers for problems in water science and engineering. 2025-03-25
cgns public The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of fluid dynamics equations. 2025-03-25
szip public Szip, an implementation of the extended-Rice lossless compression algorithm, provides lossless compression of scientific data. It is an optional extension to HDF5. 2025-03-25
pymt_sedflux3d public Python package that wraps the sedflux3d BMI. 2025-03-25
pymt_waves public Python package that wraps the Waves BMI. 2025-03-25
pymt_cem public Python package that wraps the CEM BMI. 2025-03-25
plume public A hypopycnal sediment-carrying plume entering the ocean 2025-03-25
csdms-cmip public The CMIP component provides access to a set of temperature and precipitation data in the permafrost regions of the world for years 1900 to 2100 from forecasts from CMIP models. 2025-03-25
cmip public The CMIP component provides access to a set of temperature and precipitation data in the permafrost regions of the world for years 1900 to 2100 from forecasts from CMIP models. 2025-03-25
bmi_wrap public Wrap BMI models with Python bindings. 2025-03-25
csdms-cruaktemp public The CRUAKTemp component provides access to a subsample of CRU NCEP temperature data for Alaska. 2025-03-25
cruaktemp public CRUAKTemp provides access to a subsample of CRU NCEP temperature data for Alaska. 2025-03-25

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