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csdms-stack / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
csdms-permamodel public No Summary 2025-03-25
csdms-permamodel-kugeo public The geographic version of the Kudryavtsev model from Permamodel. 2025-03-25
csdms-permamodel-frostnumbergeo public The geographic version of the Frost Number model from Permamodel. 2025-03-25
csdms-ilamb public Componentized version of the International Land Model Benchmarking Project (ILAMB) benchmarking toolkit. 2025-03-25
ilamb public The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) project is a model-data intercomparison and integration project designed to improve the performance of land models and, in parallel, improve the design of new measurement campaigns to reduce uncertainties associated with key land surface processes. 2025-03-25
grass public Geographic Resources Analysis Support System 2025-03-25
cca-tools public A metapackage of Common Component Architecture software 2025-03-25
cfunits public A Python interface to UNIDATA's Udunits-2 package with CF extensions. 2025-03-25
udunits2 public The UDUNITS package supports units of physical quantities. 2025-03-25
model_metadata public The CSDMS Python tools for model metadata 2025-03-25
babelizer public Generate BMI language bindings with babel. 2025-03-25
anugased-outline public AnugaSedOutline allows for limited use of ANUGA, a hydrodynamic model for simulating depth-averaged flows over 2D surfaces, and the sediment transport and vegetation drag modules of anugaSed. Use this component for model runs over topographies derived from rasters. 2025-03-25
anugased-rectangular public AnugaSedRectangular allows for limited use of ANUGA, a hydrodynamic model for simulating depth-averaged flows over 2D surfaces, and the sediment transport and vegetation drag modules of anugaSed. Use this component for simulations on rectangular domains. 2025-03-25
anuga public AnuGA for the simulation of the shallow water equation 2025-03-25
csdms-permamodel-ku public The point version of the Kudryavtsev model from Permamodel. 2025-03-25
csdms-brake public BRaKE is the Blocky River and Knickpoint Evolution model 2025-03-25
brake public BRaKE is the Blocky River and Knickpoint Evolution model 2025-03-25
landlab public No Summary 2025-03-25
standard_names public Python utilities for working with CSDMS standard names. 2025-03-25
csdms-stack public No Summary 2025-03-25
stack public No Summary 2025-03-25
coreutils public No Summary 2025-03-25
cb public A meta-package to track cca-babel features. 2025-03-25
csdms-sedflux-sedgrid public No Summary 2025-03-25
csdms-rafem public No Summary 2025-03-25

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