
No Description

Uploaded Mon Jun 13 23:03:33 2022
md5 checksum 78e56affd280f2db9c41443f571679af
arch x86_64
build h70892ea_1
build_number 1
depends ace >=7.0.7,<, eigen, jpeg >=9e,<10a, libedit >=3.1.20191231,<3.2.0a0, libgcc-ng >=12, libi2c >=4.3,<5.0a0, libopencv >=4.5.5,<, libpng >=1.6.37,<1.7.0a0, libstdcxx-ng >=12, libzlib >=1.2.12,<1.3.0a0, portaudio >=19.6.0,<19.7.0a0, qt-main >=5.15.4,<5.16.0a0, robot-testing-framework >=2.0.1,<, sdl >=1.2.52,<1.3.0a0, soxr >=0.1.3,<, sqlite >=3.38.5,<4.0a0, tinyxml, ycm-cmake-modules
has_prefix True
license BSD-3-Clause AND MIT AND GPL-3.0-or-later
machine x86_64
operatingsystem linux
platform linux
subdir linux-64
target-triplet x86_64-any-linux
timestamp 1655160832814