No Description
Uploaded | Thu Sep 26 15:31:09 2019 |
md5 checksum | 38415fc59f7663baa35a3785432e6622 |
arch | x86_64 |
build | pl526h89d1741_1 |
build_number | 1 |
depends | cairo >=1.16.0,<1.17.0a0, fontconfig >=2.13.1,<3.0a0, freetype >=2.9.1,<3.0a0, gmp >=6.1.2,<7.0a0, graphite2, harfbuzz >=1.8.*, icu >=64.2,<65.0a0, libgcc-ng >=7.3.0, libpng >=1.6.37,<1.7.0a0, libstdcxx-ng >=7.3.0, mpfr >=4.0.2,<5.0a0, perl >=5.26.2,<, pixman >=0.38.0,<0.39.0a0, poppler >=0.64.0,<0.66.0, zlib >=1.2.11,<1.3.0a0 |
license | GPL-2.0+ and GPL-2.0 and GPL-3.0 and LPPL-1.3c and LPPL-1.0 and Artistic-1.0 and Apache-2.0 and MIT and BSD-3-Clause |
machine | x86_64 |
operatingsystem | linux |
platform | linux |
subdir | linux-64 |
target-triplet | x86_64-any-linux |
timestamp | 1569511733472 |