
No Description

Uploaded Thu Dec 14 12:33:34 2017
md5 checksum 7e4c60b9c49492f4bced11d0fd473cf8
arch x86_64
build pl5.22.2.1_2
build_number 2
depends cairo 1.14.*, freetype 2.8.*, gmp 6.1.*, icu 58.*, libpng >=1.6.32,<1.6.35, mpfr 3.1.*, perl, pixman 0.34.*, zlib 1.2.11
has_prefix True
license GPL-2.0+ and GPL-2.0 and GPL-3.0 and LPPL-1.3c and LPPL-1.0 and Artistic-1.0 and Apache-2.0 and MIT and BSD-3-Clause
machine x86_64
operatingsystem linux
platform linux
subdir linux-64
target-triplet x86_64-any-linux