No Description
Uploaded | Mon Nov 27 09:35:50 2023 |
md5 checksum | 423c8d7e2c2b4cbe8821e273e09ca595 |
arch | x86_64 |
build | ha4ec6ac_4 |
build_number | 4 |
depends | boost-cpp >=1.78.0,<, gmp >=6.3.0,<7.0a0, libblas >=3.9.0,<4.0a0, libgcc-ng >=12, libgfortran-ng, libgfortran5 >=12.3.0, libstdcxx-ng >=12, libzlib >=1.2.13,<1.3.0a0, papilo 2.1.4 h7134f8c_4, tbb >=2021.10.0, zlib |
has_prefix | True |
license | Apache 2.0 AND ZIB-Academic AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
machine | x86_64 |
operatingsystem | linux |
platform | linux |
subdir | linux-64 |
target-triplet | x86_64-any-linux |
timestamp | 1701077562989 |