
No Description

Uploaded Mon Jun 5 12:37:07 2023
md5 checksum c1a3840f75c5e5b7466e48909a41d633
app_entry pyBOAT
app_type desk
build pyhd8ed1ab_0
depends flit-core >=2.3, matplotlib >=3.1,<3.6, numpy >=1.18, openpyxl >=3.0, pandas >=0.25, pyqt >=5.9, python >=3.6, scipy >=1.4
icon 4bbfbf397ba07a6af8ef26b414c98b4e.png
license GPL-3.0-or-later
noarch python
subdir noarch
summary pyBOAT GUI - Interactive wavelet analysis for biological data. Provides phase, period and amplitude extraction of non-stationary oscillatory signals.'
target-triplet None-any-None
timestamp 1685968544850
type app