
No Description

Uploaded Thu Oct 17 02:21:44 2024
md5 checksum 3ff03eef68bb2e3d5ba36e857dcc9f7d
arch x86_64
build py310h248d80e_8
build_number 8
constrains pylibefp ==0.6.2, geometric >=1.0, pymdi >=1.2, adcc >=0.15.16, pyddx >=0.4.3, pytest >=7.0.1,<8
depends dkh >=1.2,<1.3.0a0, gau2grid >=2.0.7,<3.0a0, intel-openmp, libblas * *mkl, libblas >=3.9.0,<4.0a0, libecpint >=1.0.7,<1.1.0a0, libint >=2.9.0,<3.0a0, libpcm >=1.2.3,<, libxc-c >=7.0.0,<8.0a0 cpu_*, mkl >=2023.2.0,<2024.0a0, msgpack-python, networkx, numpy >=1.19,<3, numpy >=2.0.2,<3.0a0, optking >=0.3.0,<1.0a0, pcmsolver >=1.2.3,<, pybind11-abi 4, pydantic >=1.10, python >=3.10,<3.11.0a0, python_abi 3.10.* *_cp310, qcelemental >=0.28.0,<1.0a0, qcengine >=0.30.0,<1.0a0, scipy, ucrt >=10.0.20348.0, vc >=14.2,<15, vc14_runtime >=14.29.30139
has_prefix True
license LGPL-3.0-only AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT
license_family LGPL
machine x86_64
operatingsystem win32
platform win
subdir win-64
target-triplet x86_64-any-win32
timestamp 1729130796984