
No Description

Uploaded Fri May 3 18:17:48 2024
md5 checksum b04a8e0f2eb517d80d7a296f410a3d15
arch x86_64
build np122py39h0e38c26_0
depends __glibc >=2.17,<3.0.a0, _openmp_mutex >=4.5, libblas >=3.9.0,<4.0a0, libboost-python >=1.84.0,<1.85.0a0, libboost-python-devel, libgcc-ng >=12, libgfortran-ng, libgfortran5 >=12.3.0, liblapack >=3.9.0,<4.0a0, libopenblas, libscotch, libstdcxx-ng >=12, libxcrypt, libxml2 >=2.12.6,<3.0a0, libzlib >=1.2.13,<1.3.0a0, mfront >=4.2.0,<, mgis >=2.2,<2.3.0a0, miss3d >=6.7,<6.8.0a0, numpy >=1.22,<1.23.0a0, python >=3.9,<3.10.0a0, python_abi 3.9.* *_cp39, scotch >=7.0.4,<
has_prefix True
license GPL-3.0-only AND CECILL-C AND Apache-2.0 AND LGPL-3.0-only
license_family GPL
machine x86_64
operatingsystem linux
platform linux
subdir linux-64
target-triplet x86_64-any-linux
timestamp 1714759660022