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cf-staging / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
google-cloud-sdk public Command-line interface for Google Cloud Platform products and services 2025-03-19
astroquery public Functions and classes to access online astronomical data resources. 2025-03-19
ionic-cli public A tool for creating and developing Ionic Framework mobile apps. 2025-03-19
chemicals public Chemical database of Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL) 2025-03-19
r-rbiom public A toolkit for working with Biological Observation Matrix ('BIOM') files. Features include reading/writing all 'BIOM' formats, rarefaction, alpha diversity, beta diversity (including 'UniFrac'), summarizing counts by taxonomic level, and sample subsetting. Standalone functions for reading, writing, and subsetting phylogenetic trees are also provided. All CPU intensive operations are encoded in C with multi-thread support. 2025-03-19
chemiscope public Helpers to work with the chemiscope interactive structure/property explorer for materials and molecules 2025-03-19
zk public Plain text note-taking assistant 2025-03-19
dprint public Pluggable and configurable code formatting platform written in Rust 2025-03-19
foundry-dev-tools-transforms public Seamlessly run your Palantir Foundry Repository transforms code on your local machine. 2025-03-19
r-officedown public Allows production of 'Microsoft' corporate documents from 'R Markdown' by reusing formatting defined in 'Microsoft Word' documents. You can reuse table styles, list styles but also add column sections, landscape oriented pages. Table and image captions as well as cross-references are transformed into 'Microsoft Word' fields, allowing documents edition and merging without issue with references; the syntax conforms to the 'bookdown' cross-reference definition. Objects generated by the 'officer' package are also supported in the 'knitr' chunks. 'Microsoft PowerPoint' presentations also benefit from this as well as the ability to produce editable vector graphics in 'PowerPoint' and also to define placeholder where content is to be added. 2025-03-19
foundry-dev-tools public Seamlessly run your Palantir Foundry Repository transforms code on your local machine. 2025-03-19
youtube-transcript-api public This is an python API which allows you to get the transcripts/subtitles for a given YouTube video. It also works for automatically generated subtitles, supports translating subtitles and it does not require a headless browser, like other selenium based solutions do! 2025-03-19
node-graph public Create node-based workflow 2025-03-19
botocore-stubs public Type annotations for botocore. 2025-03-19
opentelemetry-instrumentation-llamaindex public OpenTelemetry LlamaIndex instrumentation 2025-03-19
opentelemetry-instrumentation-weaviate public OpenTelemetry Weaviate instrumentation 2025-03-19
opentelemetry-instrumentation-pinecone public OpenTelemetry Pinecone instrumentation 2025-03-19
opentelemetry-instrumentation-qdrant public OpenTelemetry Qdrant instrumentation 2025-03-19
opentelemetry-instrumentation-haystack public OpenTelemetry Haystack instrumentation 2025-03-19
terraform-provider-google public The Terraform Google provider 2025-03-19
pnpm-licenses public Generate third party license disclaimers in pnpm-based projects 2025-03-19
pystache public Mustache for Python 2025-03-19
llama-index-core public Interface between LLMs and your data 2025-03-19
ydata-profiling public Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame 2025-03-19
literalai public An SDK for observability in Python applications 2025-03-19
mlflow-skinny public MLflow is an open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle. 2025-03-17
mlflow-ui-dbg public MLflow is an open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle. 2025-03-17
pyiron_base public pyiron_base - an integrated development environment (IDE) for computational science. 2025-03-12
adaptive-scheduler public An asynchronous scheduler for Adaptive 2025-03-12
virtualenv public Virtual Python Environment builder 2025-03-07
gh public Github CLI. 2025-03-07
remark-cli public remark is a popular tool that transforms markdown with plugins 2025-01-16
kahip public The graph partitioning framework KaHIP -- Karlsruhe High Quality Partitioning 2025-01-15
gz-sim7-python public Open source robotics simulator. The latest version of Gazebo. 2025-01-09
ldas-tools-framecpp public LDAS tools libframecpp toolkit runtime files 2024-12-21
openturns public Uncertainty treatment library 2024-12-18
spacy-model-nl_core_news_lg public Dutch pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-12-01
spacy-model-es_dep_news_trf public Spanish transformer pipeline (Transformer(name='dccuchile/bert-base-spanish-wwm-cased', piece_encoder='bert-wordpiece', stride=112, type='bert', width=768, window=158, vocab_size=31002)). 2024-12-01
fpm public Fortran package manager 2024-11-23
pyagrum public pyAgrum is a scientific C++ and Python library dedicated to Bayesian Networks and other Probabilistic Graphical Models. 2024-11-18
pymeshfix public Python Wrapper for MeshFix to easily repair holes in surface meshes 2024-09-24
openmm-dlext public Plugin for OpenMM providing simulation data wrappers as DLPack data structures 2024-03-22

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