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cf-staging / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
kondo public Save disk space by cleaning non-essential files from software projects 2024-10-06
fclones public Efficient Duplicate File Finder 2024-10-06
diskus public Minimal, fast alternative to 'du -sh' 2024-10-06
diskonaut public Terminal visual disk space navigator 2024-10-06
ddh public Fast duplicate file finder 2024-10-06
numpy public The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. 2024-10-06
pytorch public PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs. 2024-10-06
libtorch public PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs. 2024-10-06
pytorch-cpu public PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs. 2024-10-06
aws-c-io public This is a module for the AWS SDK for C. It handles all IO and TLS work for application protocols. 2024-10-06
cmor public “Climate Model Output Rewriter” is a C library, with Fortran 90 and Python bindings. CMOR is used to produce CF-compliant[3] netCDF[4] files. The structure of the files created by CMOR and the metadata they contain fulfill the requirements of many of the climate community’s standard model experiments (which are referred to here as “MIPs”[5] and include, for example, AMIP, PMIP, APE, and IPCC [DN1] scenario runs). 2024-10-06
pycgns public pyCGNS provide a python interface to CGNS/SIDS datamodel for CGNS end-users and python application developpers 2024-10-06
r-cards public Construct CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium) compliant Analysis Results Data objects. These objects are used and re-used to construct summary tables, visualizations, and written reports. The package also exports utilities for working with these objects and creating new Analysis Results Data objects. 2024-10-06
pygeohydro public Access geospatial web services that offer hydrological data 2024-10-06
hepunits public Units and constants in the HEP system of units 2024-10-06
dydxprotocol-v4-proto-py public The dYdX v4 software (the ”dYdX Chain”) is a sovereign blockchain software built using Cosmos SDK and CometBFT. 2024-10-06
dydx-v4-proto public The dYdX v4 software (the ”dYdX Chain”) is a sovereign blockchain software built using Cosmos SDK and CometBFT. 2024-10-06
dydxprotocol_v4_proto_py public The dYdX v4 software (the ”dYdX Chain”) is a sovereign blockchain software built using Cosmos SDK and CometBFT. 2024-10-06
v4_proto public The dYdX v4 software (the ”dYdX Chain”) is a sovereign blockchain software built using Cosmos SDK and CometBFT. 2024-10-06
v4-proto public The dYdX v4 software (the ”dYdX Chain”) is a sovereign blockchain software built using Cosmos SDK and CometBFT. 2024-10-06
dydx_v4_proto public The dYdX v4 software (the ”dYdX Chain”) is a sovereign blockchain software built using Cosmos SDK and CometBFT. 2024-10-06
libdolfinx_mpc public Multi-point constraints with FEniCS-X 2024-10-04
conda-forge-ci-setup public A package installed by conda-forge each time a build is run on CI. This package has side-effects to your conda config. 2024-10-04
crick public High performance approximate and streaming algorithms. 2024-10-03
voila-gridstack public Gridstack template for Voilà 2024-10-02
google-cloud-sdk public Command-line interface for Google Cloud Platform products and services 2024-10-02
bipedal-locomotion-framework-python public Suite of libraries for achieving bipedal locomotion on humanoid robots. 2024-10-02
qt6-3d public Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. 2024-09-28
pydiso public A simple cython based interface to the pardiso solver 2024-09-26
pymeshfix public Python Wrapper for MeshFix to easily repair holes in surface meshes 2024-09-24
go-gum public Tool for glamorous shell scripts 2024-09-23
aws-crt-cpp public C++ wrapper around the aws-c-* libraries. Provides Cross-Platform Transport Protocols and SSL/TLS implementations for C++. 2024-09-20
dftd3-python public Python API for the DFT-D3 project 2024-09-20
uhd public Software driver and API for the Ettus Research USRP SDR platform 2024-08-27
oslo.config public The Oslo configuration API supports parsing command line arguments and .ini style configuration files. 2024-08-27
liblalinference public LSC Algorithm Inference Library shared object libraries 2024-08-27
lalinference public LSC Algorithm Inference Library 2024-08-27
pyspnego public Windows Negotiate Authentication Client and Server 2024-07-24
networkit public NetworKit is a growing open-source toolkit for large-scale network analysis. 2024-03-28
openmm-dlext public Plugin for OpenMM providing simulation data wrappers as DLPack data structures 2024-03-22

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