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cf-staging / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
mongomock public Small library for mocking pymongo collection objects for testing purposes 2025-03-21
awscli public Universal Command Line Environment for AWS. 2025-03-21
mlx public An array framework for Apple silicon 2025-03-21
rapidcheck public RapidCheck is a C++ framework for property based testing inspired by QuickCheck and other similar frameworks. 2025-03-21
clang_osx-arm64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2025-03-21
clang_bootstrap_osx-arm64 public clang compiler components in one package for bootstrapping clang 2025-03-21
clangxx_impl_osx-arm64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2025-03-21
clang_impl_osx-arm64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2025-03-21
clangxx_osx-arm64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2025-03-21
terragrunt public Terragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for working with multiple Terraform modules. 2025-03-21
s2n public an implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols 2025-03-21
s2n-static public an implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols 2025-03-21
tailwindcss-language-server public Language Server Protocol implementation for Tailwind CSS 2025-03-21
dmgbuild public macOS command line utility to build disk images 2025-03-21
delft_fiat public Fast Impact Assessment Tool 2025-03-21
r_clang_win-64 public Activation scripts for using Clang as a compiler in R packages 2025-03-21
aws_lambda_builders public Python library to compile, build & package AWS Lambda functions for several runtimes & frameworks. 2025-03-21
cx_freeze public Create standalone executables from Python scripts, with the same performance and is cross-platform. 2025-03-21
power-grid-model public Python/C++ library for distribution power system analysis 2025-03-21
r-spatstat.random public Functionality for random generation of spatial data in the 'spatstat' family of packages. Generates random spatial patterns of points according to many simple rules (complete spatial randomness, Poisson, binomial, random grid, systematic, cell), randomised alteration of patterns (thinning, random shift, jittering), simulated realisations of random point processes (simple sequential inhibition, Matern inhibition models, Matern cluster process, Neyman-Scott cluster processes, log-Gaussian Cox processes, product shot noise cluster processes) and simulation of Gibbs point processes (Metropolis-Hastings birth-death-shift algorithm, alternating Gibbs sampler). Also generates random spatial patterns of line segments, random tessellations, and random images (random noise, random mosaics). Excludes random generation on a linear network, which is covered by the separate package 'spatstat.linnet'. 2025-03-21
botocore-stubs public Type annotations for botocore. 2025-03-21
r-msigdbr public Provides the 'Molecular Signatures Database' (MSigDB) gene sets typically used with the 'Gene Set Enrichment Analysis' (GSEA) software (Subramanian et al. 2005 <doi:10.1073/pnas.0506580102>, Liberzon et al. 2015 <doi:10.1016/j.cels.2015.12.004>) in a standard R data frame with key-value pairs. Included are the original human gene symbols and Entrez IDs as well as the equivalents for various frequently studied model organisms such as mouse, rat, pig, fly, and yeast. 2025-03-21
clang_win-64 public clang (cross) compiler for windows with MSVC ABI compatbility 2025-03-21
clangxx_win-64 public clang (cross) compiler for windows with MSVC ABI compatbility 2025-03-21
clangxx_osx-64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2025-03-21
clang_bootstrap_osx-64 public clang compiler components in one package for bootstrapping clang 2025-03-21
clangxx_impl_osx-64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2025-03-21
clang_osx-64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2025-03-21
clang_impl_osx-64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2025-03-21
linopy public Linear optimization with N-D labeled arrays in Python 2025-03-21
clang-cl_win-64 public clang (cross) compiler for windows with MSVC ABI compatbility 2025-03-21
plotastrodata public plotastrodata is a tool for astronomers to create figures from FITS files and perform fundamental data analyses with ease. 2025-03-21
winsdk public Scripts to download Windows SDK headers 2025-03-21
msvc-headers-libs public Scripts to download MSVC headers and libraries 2025-03-21
compiler-rt public compiler-rt runtime libraries 2025-03-21
compiler-rt_win-64 public compiler-rt runtime libraries 2025-03-21
television public A blazingly fast general purpose fuzzy finder TUI. 2025-03-21
opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin-proto-http public Zipkin Span Protobuf Exporter for OpenTelemetry 2025-03-21
openai-agents public A lightweight, powerful framework for multi-agent workflows 2025-03-21
dingo-gw public Deep inference for gravitational-wave observations 2025-03-21
mapserver public Platform for publishing spatial data and interative mapping. 2025-03-20
mlflow-skinny public MLflow is an open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle. 2025-03-17
mlflow-ui-dbg public MLflow is an open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle. 2025-03-17
pyiron_base public pyiron_base - an integrated development environment (IDE) for computational science. 2025-03-12
adaptive-scheduler public An asynchronous scheduler for Adaptive 2025-03-12
virtualenv public Virtual Python Environment builder 2025-03-07
remark-cli public remark is a popular tool that transforms markdown with plugins 2025-01-16
kahip public The graph partitioning framework KaHIP -- Karlsruhe High Quality Partitioning 2025-01-15
gz-sim7-python public Open source robotics simulator. The latest version of Gazebo. 2025-01-09
ldas-tools-framecpp public LDAS tools libframecpp toolkit runtime files 2024-12-21

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