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cctbx201909 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
wincertstore public Python module to extract CA and CRL certs from Windows' cert store (ctypes based). 2023-06-16
colorama public Cross-platform colored terminal text 2023-06-16
sphinxcontrib-qthelp public sphinxcontrib-qthelp is a sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp document 2023-06-16
gstreamer public Library for constructing graphs of media-handling components 2023-06-16
yaml public A C library for parsing and emitting YAML 2023-06-16
urllib3 public HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. 2023-06-16
sphinx public Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation 2023-06-16
snowballstemmer public Snowball stemming library collection for Python 2023-06-16
readline public library for editing command lines as they are typed in 2023-06-16
pathlib2 public Fork of pathlib aiming to support the full stdlib Python API 2023-06-16
h5py public Read and write HDF5 files from Python 2023-06-16
future public Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 2023-06-16
freetype public A Free, High-Quality, and Portable Font Engine 2023-06-16
fontconfig public A library for configuring and customizing font access 2023-06-16
cython public The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language 2023-06-16
certifi public Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. 2023-06-16
win_inet_pton public Native inet_pton and inet_ntop implementation for Python on Windows (with ctypes). 2023-06-16
libcxx public C++ Standard Library 2023-06-16
xorg-libxdmcp public The X-windows display manager client protocol library. 2023-06-16
wcwidth public Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes. 2023-06-16
tabulate public Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility. 2023-06-16
pyzmq public Python bindings for zeromq 2023-06-16
pycparser public Complete C99 parser in pure Python 2023-06-16
pexpect public Pexpect makes Python a better tool for controlling other applications. 2023-06-16
libsvm public A simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM classification and regression. 2023-06-16
kiwisolver public A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver 2023-06-16
jinja2 public An easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python. 2023-06-16
imagesize public Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file 2023-06-16
hdf5 public HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data 2023-06-16
harfbuzz public An OpenType text shaping engine. 2023-06-16
gettext public Internationalization package 2023-06-16
backports_abc public A backport of recent additions to the `collections.abc` module. 2023-06-16
liblapack public Metapackage to select the BLAS variant. Use conda's pinning mechanism in your environment to control which variant you want. 2023-06-16
libglu public Mesa OpenGL utility library (GLU) 2023-06-16
gobject-introspection public Middleware for binding GObject-based code to other languages. 2023-06-16
backcall public Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API 2023-06-16
xorg-libx11 public The main client library for X Windows version 11. 2023-06-16
sphinxcontrib-websupport public Sphinx API for Web Apps 2023-06-16
pyrtf public PyRTF - Rich Text Format Document Generation 2023-06-16
libffi public A Portable Foreign Function Interface Library. 2023-06-16
ipaddress public IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library 2023-06-16
idna public Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA). 2023-06-16
glib public Provides core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. 2023-06-16
attrs public attrs is the Python package that will bring back the joy of writing classes by relieving you from the drudgery of implementing object protocols (aka dunder methods). 2023-06-16
sphinxcontrib-jsmath public A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript 2023-06-16
xz public Data compression software with high compression ratio 2023-06-16
xorg-libsm public The X.org core session management library. 2023-06-16
xorg-kbproto public X.org keyboard-related C prototypes. 2023-06-16
typing public Type Hints for Python - backport for Python<3.5 2023-06-16
setuptools public Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages 2023-06-16

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