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cctbx201909 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pygments public Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter suitable for use in code hosting, forums, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code. 2023-06-16
pickleshare public Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support 2023-06-16
packaging public Core utilities for Python packages 2023-06-16
openblas public An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version. 2023-06-16
lz4 public LZ4 Bindings for Python 2023-06-16
enum34 public Python 3.4 Enum backported to 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, and 2.4 2023-06-16
docutils public Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities 2023-06-16
six public Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities 2023-06-16
pysocks public A Python SOCKS client module. See https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks for more information. 2023-06-16
pthread-stubs public Stubs missing from libc for standard pthread functions 2023-06-16
pixman public A low-level software library for pixel manipulation. 2023-06-16
numpy public Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects. 2023-06-16
ncurses public Library for text-based user interfaces 2023-06-16
jpeg public read/write jpeg COM, EXIF, IPTC medata 2023-06-16
gtk2 public Primary library used to construct user interfaces in GNOME applications 2023-06-16
contextlib2 public Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module 2023-06-16
chardet public Universal character encoding detector 2023-06-16
blosc public A blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library that can be faster than `memcpy()` 2023-06-16
atomicwrites public Atomic file writes 2023-06-16
traceback2 public Backports of the traceback module 2023-06-16
pcre public Regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5. 2023-06-16
libxml2 public The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome 2023-06-16
libuuid public Portable uuid C library. 2023-06-16
biopython public Collection of freely available tools for computational molecular biology 2023-06-16
babel public Utilities to internationalize and localize Python applications 2023-06-16
atk public Accessibility Toolkit. 2023-06-16
vs2008_runtime public Bundles of the MSVC 9 (VS 2008) runtime 2023-06-16
macholib public Mach-O header analysis and editing 2023-06-16
libgfortran public Fortran libraries from the GNU Compiler Collection 2023-06-16
gst-plugins-base public GStreamer Base Plug-ins 2023-06-16
xorg-xextproto public X.org extension C prototype files. 2023-06-16
tk public A dynamic programming language with GUI support. Bundles Tcl and Tk. 2023-06-16
singledispatch public This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3. 2023-06-16
send2trash public Python library to natively send files to Trash (or Recycle bin) on all platforms. 2023-06-16
pillow public Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by Alex Clark and Contributors 2023-06-16
onedep_api public OneDep Validation Web Service Interface 2023-06-16
gdk-pixbuf public GdkPixbuf is a library for image loading and manipulation. 2023-06-16
functools32 public Backport of the functools module from Python 3.2.3 for use on 2.7 and PyPy 2023-06-16
cffi public Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code. 2023-06-16

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