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cctbx201909 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pytest-xdist public py.test xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes 2023-06-16
numpydoc public Numpy's Sphinx extensions 2023-06-16
msgpack-python public MessagePack (de)serializer 2023-06-16
markupsafe public A Python module that implements the jinja2.Markup string 2023-06-16
ipython public IPython: Productive Interactive Computing 2023-06-16
icu public International Components for Unicode. 2023-06-16
ca-certificates public Certificates for use with other packages. 2023-06-16
blas public Metapackage to select the BLAS variant. Use conda's pinning mechanism in your environment to control which variant you want. 2023-06-16
backports public A package to ensure the `backports` namespace is available. 2023-06-16
libblas public Metapackage to select the BLAS variant. Use conda's pinning mechanism in your environment to control which variant you want. 2023-06-16
zeromq public A high-performance asynchronous messaging library. 2023-06-16
xorg-xproto public Core X Windows C prototypes. 2023-06-16
tornado public A Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. 2023-06-16
reportlab public Open-source engine for creating complex, data-driven PDF documents and custom vector graphics 2023-06-16
python-blosc public A Python wrapper for the extremely fast Blosc compression library 2023-06-16
prompt_toolkit public Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python 2023-06-16
pluggy public Plugin registration and hook calling for Python 2023-06-16
libtiff public Support for the Tag Image File Format (TIFF). 2023-06-16
cairo public Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. 2023-06-16
backports.shutil_get_terminal_size public A backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3's shutil. 2023-06-16
win_unicode_console public A Python package to enable Unicode input and display when running Python from Windows console 2023-06-16
libcblas public Metapackage to select the BLAS variant. Use conda's pinning mechanism in your environment to control which variant you want. 2023-06-16
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp public sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp is a sphinx extension which ... 2023-06-16
zlib public Massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library 2023-06-16
subprocess32 public A backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x 2023-06-16
python-dateutil public Extensions to the standard Python datetime module. 2023-06-16
pytest-forked public run tests in isolated forked subprocesses 2023-06-16
pyparsing public Create and execute simple grammars 2023-06-16
py public library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities 2023-06-16
procrunner public Versatile utility function to run external processes 2023-06-16
pip public PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages 2023-06-16
msgpack-c public MessagePack implementation for C and C++. 2023-06-16
mock public A library for testing in Python 2023-06-16
libpng public PNG reference library 2023-06-16
importlib_metadata public A library to access the metadata for a Python package 2023-06-16
fribidi public The Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. 2023-06-16
execnet public distributed Python deployment and communication 2023-06-16
pywin32 public Python extensions for Windows 2023-06-16
pyopengl public Standard OpenGL bindings for Python 2023-06-16
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml public sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs "serialized" HTML files (json and pickle). 2023-06-16
xorg-renderproto public C prototypes for the XRender extension to X11. 2023-06-16
libxcb public This is the C-language Binding (XCB) package to the X Window System protocol 2023-06-16
libiconv public Provides iconv for systems which don't have one (or that cannot convert from/to Unicode.) 2023-06-16
graphite2 public A "smart font" system that handles the complexities of lesser-known languages of the world. 2023-06-16
scandir public scandir, a better directory iterator and faster os.walk() 2023-06-16
orderedset public An Ordered Set implementation in Cython. 2023-06-16
cycler public Composable style cycles. 2023-06-16
cryptography public Provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers 2023-06-16
appnope public Disable App Nap on OS X 10.9 2023-06-16
wxpython public Cross platform GUI toolkit for Python, "Phoenix" version 2023-06-16

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