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blaze / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
thriftpy public No Summary 2025-03-25
flask-cors public A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support 2025-03-25
thrift_sasl public Thrift SASL Python module that implements SASL transports for Thrift (`TSaslClientTransport`). 2025-03-25
flask-mongoengine public Flask support for MongoDB and with WTF model forms 2025-03-25
mongoengine public MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB. 2025-03-25
rednose public coloured output for nosetests 2025-03-25
python-termstyle public console colouring for python 2025-03-25
flask-principal public Identity management for flask 2025-03-25
flask-mail public Flask extension for sending email 2025-03-25
blinker public Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling 2025-03-25
flask-wtf public Simple integration of Flask and WTForms 2025-03-25
flask-babel public Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications 2025-03-25
speaklater public implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext 2025-03-25
wtforms public A flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web development. 2025-03-25
flask-auth public Auth extension for Flask. 2025-03-25
flask-sqlalchemy public Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application 2025-03-25
flask-login public User session management for Flask 2025-03-25
snakebite None Pure Python HDFS client 2025-03-25
requests-kerberos None A Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests 2025-03-25
kerberos None Kerberos high-level interface 2025-03-25
blaze-core None Core of blaze 2025-03-25
odo None Data migration 2025-03-25
pyhive None Python interface to Hive 2025-03-25
sasl None Cyrus-SASL bindings for Python 2025-03-25
into None Data migration utilities 2025-03-25
datashape None No Summary 2025-03-25
impyla None Python client for the Impala distributed query engine 2025-03-25
thrift None Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system 2025-03-25
nutchpy None No Summary 2025-03-25
mongodb None No Summary 2025-03-25
spark None No Summary 2025-03-25
py4j None Enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects 2025-03-25
postgresql None No Summary 2025-03-25
sqlite3 None No Summary 2025-03-25
scala None No Summary 2025-03-25
blaze None blaze.pydata.org 2025-03-25
dynd-python None No Summary 2025-03-25

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