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Bjrn / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
get-mac public Get MAC addresses of remote hosts and local interfaces 2023-06-16
redis public Python client for Redis database and key-value store 2023-06-16
spike2py public Import, parse and process data collected with Spike2 2023-06-16
neo public Neo is a package for representing electrophysiology data in Python, together with support for reading a wide range of neurophysiology file formats 2023-06-16
apmonitor public Python package to interface with the APMonitor optimization suite 2023-06-16
pytest-asyncio public Pytest support for asyncio. 2023-06-16
jupyter_tabnine public Jupyter notebook extension which support coding auto-completion based on Deep Learning 2023-06-16
ujson public Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 2023-06-16
pandasql public sqldf for pandas 2023-06-16
railroad public A functional library for data processing. 2023-06-16
msgpack public MessagePack (de)serializer. 2023-06-16
kombu public Messaging library for Python. 2023-06-16
pytest public pytest: simple powerful testing with Python 2023-06-16
case public Python unittest Utilities 2023-06-16
billiard public Python multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes 2023-06-16
random_user_agent public A package to get random user agents based filters provided by user 2023-06-16
webdriver_manager public Library provides the way to automatically manage drivers for different browsers 2023-06-16
scrapy-scrapingbee public JavaScript support and proxy rotation for Scrapy with ScrapingBee 2023-06-16
scrapy-splash public JavaScript support for Scrapy using Splash 2023-06-16
requests-html public HTML Parsing for Humans. 2023-06-16
fake-useragent public Up to date simple useragent faker with real world database 2023-06-16
goodbyecaptcha public Async Python library to automate solving ReCAPTCHA v2. 2023-06-16
flask_backend public Flask extension for asynchronous execution of backend tasks. 2023-06-16
beanstalkc3 public A simple beanstalkd client library (python 3 compatible fork) 2023-06-16
cloudwrapper public Wrappers around cloud services for Amazon, Google and private cloud. 2023-06-16
swagger_to public Generate server and client code from Swagger (OpenAPI 2.0) specification 2023-06-16
icontract public Provide design-by-contract with informative violation messages. 2023-06-16
elevate public Python library for requesting root privileges 2023-06-16
mgzip public A multi-threading implementation of Python gzip module 2023-06-16
tensorboard public TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit 2023-06-16
tensorflow-estimator public TensorFlow Estimator is a high-level TensorFlow API that greatly simplifies machine learning programming. 2023-06-16
tensorflow public TensorFlow is an open source software library for high performance numerical computation. 2023-06-16
tensorflow-gpu public TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning 2023-06-16
pandarallel public A simple and efficient tool to parallelize Pandas operations on all available CPUs. 2023-06-16
nest_asyncio public Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops 2023-06-16
pandabase public pandabase links pandas DataFrames to SQL databases. Upsert, append, read, drop, describe... 2023-06-16
sqlalchemy-views public Adds CreateView and DropView constructs to SQLAlchemy 2023-06-16
mip public Python tools for Modeling and Solving Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MIPs) 2023-06-16
gekko public Machine learning and optimization for dynamic systems 2023-06-16
flask_cors public A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support 2023-06-16
v20 public OANDA v20 bindings for Python 2023-06-16
pygsheets public Google Spreadsheets Python API v4 2023-06-16
pytest-check public A pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test. 2023-06-16
pyparsing public A parsing package that uses regex as regular expression parser if that can be imported 2023-06-16
quantlib-python public Python bindings for the QuantLib library 2023-06-16
google public Python bindings to the Google search engine. 2023-06-16
ibapi public Python IB API 2023-06-16
ib_insync public Python sync/async framework for Interactive Brokers API 2023-06-16
tflearn public Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow. 2023-06-16
yearfrac public Daycount methods to compute date differences in year units 2023-06-16

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