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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-hmdbquery public utilities for exploration of human metabolome database 2024-12-18
bioconductor-crcl18 public CRC cell line dataset 2024-12-18
bioconductor-prostatecancerstockholm public Prostate Cancer Data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-ccl4 public Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) treated hepatocytes 2024-12-18
bioconductor-cellmapper public Predict genes expressed selectively in specific cell types 2024-12-18
bioconductor-dresscheck public data and software for checking Dressman JCO 25(5) 2007 2024-12-18
bioconductor-updateobject public Find/fix old serialized S4 instances 2024-12-18
bioconductor-dfplyr public A `DataFrame` (`S4Vectors`) backend for `dplyr` 2024-12-18
bioconductor-ibmq public integrated Bayesian Modeling of eQTL data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-fibroeset public exprSet for Karaman et al. (2003) fibroblasts data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-prostatecancergrasso public Prostate Cancer Data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-metid public Network-based prioritization of putative metabolite IDs 2024-12-18
bioconductor-ibh public Interaction Based Homogeneity for Evaluating Gene Lists 2024-12-18
bioconductor-ebarrays public Unified Approach for Simultaneous Gene Clustering and Differential Expression Identification 2024-12-18
bioconductor-fabia public FABIA: Factor Analysis for Bicluster Acquisition 2024-12-18
bioconductor-fletcher2013a public Gene expression data from breast cancer cells under FGFR2 signalling perturbation 2024-12-18
bioconductor-kidpack public DKFZ kidney package 2024-12-18
bioconductor-curatedbreastdata public Curated breast cancer gene expression data with survival and treatment information 2024-12-18
bioconductor-geneselectmmd public Gene selection based on the marginal distributions of gene profiles that characterized by a mixture of three-component multivariate distributions 2024-12-18
bioconductor-beta7 public Rodriguez et al. (2004) Differential Gene Expression by Memory/Effector T Helper Cells Bearing the Gut-Homing Receptor Integrin alpha4 beta7. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-prostatecancercamcap public Prostate Cancer Data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-hgu133plus2cellscore public No Summary 2024-12-18
bioconductor-twilight public Estimation of local false discovery rate 2024-12-18
bioconductor-tcgacrcmirna public TCGA CRC 450 miRNA dataset 2024-12-18
bioconductor-depecher public Determination of essential phenotypic elements of clusters in high-dimensional entities 2024-12-18
bioconductor-ruvnormalizedata public Gender data for the RUVnormalize package 2024-12-18
bioconductor-bcellviper public Human B-cell transcriptional interactome and normal human B-cell expression data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-dexmadata public Data package for DExMA package 2024-12-18
bioconductor-bioqc public Detect tissue heterogeneity in expression profiles with gene sets 2024-12-18
bioconductor-gaschyhs public ExpressionSet for response of yeast to heat shock and other environmental stresses 2024-12-18
bioconductor-graphat public Graph Theoretic Association Tests 2024-12-18
bioconductor-iyer517 public exprSets for Iyer, Eisen et all 1999 Science paper 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rqubic public Qualitative biclustering algorithm for expression data analysis in R 2024-12-18
r-acidbase public Low-level base functions imported by Acid Genomics packages. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rnaseqsamplesizedata public RnaSeqSampleSizeData 2024-12-18
bioconductor-fishalyser public FISHalyseR a package for automated FISH quantification 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rots public Reproducibility-Optimized Test Statistic 2024-12-18
bioconductor-keggandmetacoredzpathwaysgeo public Disease Datasets from GEO 2024-12-18
bioconductor-synapsis public An R package to automate the analysis of double-strand break repair during meiosis 2024-12-18
molpopgen-analysis public Programs for the (pre-NGS-era) analysis of population-genetic data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-yeastcc public Spellman et al. (1998) and Pramila/Breeden (2006) yeast cell cycle microarray data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-tcgacrcmrna public TCGA CRC 450 mRNA dataset 2024-12-18
bioconductor-bugphyzz public A harmonized data resource and software for enrichment analysis of microbial physiologies 2024-12-18
bioconductor-bladderbatch public Bladder gene expression data illustrating batch effects 2024-12-18
bioconductor-snadata public Social Networks Analysis Data Examples 2024-12-18
bioconductor-copa public Functions to perform cancer outlier profile analysis. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-all public A data package 2024-12-18
bioconductor-leukemiaseset public Leukemia's microarray gene expression data (expressionSet). 2024-12-18
bioconductor-pedixplorer public Pedigree Functions 2024-12-18
bioconductor-hypergraph public A package providing hypergraph data structures 2024-12-18

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