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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pisad public pisad - Phsaed Intraspecies Sample Anomalies Detection tool 2025-03-19
ncbi-vdb-py public SRA tools database engine (Python bindings). 2025-03-19
captus public Captus: Assembly of Phylogenomic Datasets from High-Throughput Sequencing data 2025-03-19
sphae public Phage toolkit 2025-03-19
polap public POLAP: plant organelle long-read assembly pipeline 2025-03-19
bioconductor-mspurity public Automated Evaluation of Precursor Ion Purity for Mass Spectrometry Based Fragmentation in Metabolomics 2025-03-19
bioconductor-cn.mops public cn.mops - Mixture of Poissons for CNV detection in NGS data 2025-03-19
bioconductor-titancna public Subclonal copy number and LOH prediction from whole genome sequencing of tumours 2025-03-19
bioconductor-oligo public Preprocessing tools for oligonucleotide arrays 2025-03-19
bioconductor-ncdfflow public ncdfFlow: A package that provides HDF5 based storage for flow cytometry data. 2025-03-19
bioconductor-rots public Reproducibility-Optimized Test Statistic 2025-03-19
bioconductor-mosaics public MOSAiCS (MOdel-based one and two Sample Analysis and Inference for ChIP-Seq) 2025-03-19
bioconductor-dropletutils public Utilities for Handling Single-Cell Droplet Data 2025-03-19
bioconductor-bacon public Controlling bias and inflation in association studies using the empirical null distribution 2025-03-19
starfish public Standardized analysis pipeline for image-based transcriptomics. 2025-03-19
gb-io public A Python interface to gb-io, a fast GenBank parser and serializer written in Rust. 2025-03-19
ncbi-vdb public SRA tools database engine. 2025-03-19
r-ukbrapr public R functions to use in the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform (RAP) 2025-03-19
muat public A package for Mutation Attention Tool 2025-03-19
perl-html-tidy public (X)HTML validation in a Perl object 2025-03-19
tidyp public Program for cleaning up and validating HTML 2025-03-19
pango-designation public Repository for suggesting new lineages that should be added to the current scheme. 2025-03-19
deacon public Fast alignment-free sequence filter 2025-03-19
bioconda-repodata-patches public generate tweaks to index metadata, hosted separately from anaconda.org index 2025-03-19
pybwa public Pybwa is a python module that makes it easy to align sequence data. It is a lightweight wrapper of bwa. 2025-03-18
hifiasm public Haplotype-resolved assembler for accurate Hifi reads. 2025-03-18
seqnado public Pipelines for genomics analysis 2025-03-18
mysterymaster public Graphical Oxford Nanopore read demultiplexer 2025-03-18
last public LAST finds & aligns related regions of sequences. 2025-03-18
bbmap public BBMap is a short read aligner, as well as various other bioinformatic tools. 2025-03-18
maker public MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline. 2025-03-18
ensembl-vep public Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor 2025-03-18
gencube public GenCube enables researchers to search for, download, retrieve metadata, and unify genome assemblies and diverse types of annotations for sequencing-based experimental data. 2025-03-18
vcf_parser public Small library for parsing vcf files. 2025-03-18
immuneml public immuneML is a software platform for machine learning analysis of immune receptor repertoires. 2025-03-18
autobigs-cli public A CLI tool to rapidly fetch fetch MLST profiles given sequences for various diseases. 2025-03-18
gubbins public Rapid phylogenetic analysis of large samples of recombinant bacterial whole genome sequences using Gubbins. 2025-03-18
plink public Whole genome association analysis toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale analyses in a computationally efficient manner. 2025-03-18
commec public commec: a free, open-source, globally available tool for DNA sequence screening 2025-03-18
bamread public Read bam files quickly into dataframes in Python 2025-03-18
pyrle public Genomic Rle-objects for Python 2025-03-18
snakemake-executor-plugin-aws-batch public A Snakemake executor plugin for submitting jobs to AWS Batch. 2025-03-18
snakemake-interface-storage-plugins public This package provides a stable interface for interactions between Snakemake and its storage plugins. 2025-03-18
hmftools-virus-interpreter public Post-process VIRUSBreakend summary results. 2025-03-18
dajin2 public One-step genotyping tools for targeted long-read sequencing 2025-03-18
pybiolib public BioLib Python Client 2025-03-18
orthanq public Uncertainty aware HLA typing and general haplotype quantification. 2025-03-18
neofox public Annotation of mutated peptide sequences (mps) with published or novel potential neo-epitope descriptors 2025-03-18
influx_si public Metabolic flux and concentration estimation based on stable isotope labeling 2025-03-18
gtotree public GToTree is a user-friendly workflow for phylogenomics. 2025-03-18

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