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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
lotus2 public LotuS2 is a lightweight complete 16S/18S/ITS pipeline 2024-11-02
fgbio-minimal public A set of tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data, including UMIs 2024-11-02
kalamari public A curated database of completed assemblies with taxonomy IDs 2024-11-02
derna public RNA sequence design for a target protein sequence. 2024-10-31
hictkpy public Python bindings for hictk: read and write .cool and .hic files directly from Python 2024-10-31
hybpiper public HybPiper is a suite of Python scripts/modules for targeted sequence capture. 2024-10-31
piawka public The powerful AWK script to calculate population statistics in VCF files with support for varying ploidy and missing data 2024-10-31
phykit public PhyKIT is a UNIX shell toolkit for processing and analyzing phylogenomic data. 2024-10-31
aster public Accurate Species Tree EstimatoR series; a family of optimation algorithms for species tree inference implemented in C++ 2024-10-31
tirmite public Map TIR-pHMM models to genomic sequences for annotation of MITES and complete DNA-Transposons. 2024-10-31
seqscreen public SeqScreen was created to sensitively assign taxonomic classifications, functional annotations, and Functions of Sequences of Concern (FunSoCs) to single, short DNA sequences or open reading frames. 2024-10-31
cell2cell public Inferring cell-cell interactions from transcriptomes with cell2cell 2024-10-31
pbjasmine public jasmine 2024-10-31
gatk4-spark public Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK4) 2024-10-31
gatk4 public Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK4) 2024-10-31
gcnvkernel public Python package to support GATK gCNV calling. 2024-10-31
aletsch public Aletsch is an accurate, versatile assembler for multiple RNA-seq samples. 2024-10-31
sgdemux public Tool for demultiplexing sequencing data generated on Singular Genomics' sequencing instruments. 2024-10-31
perl-list-moreutils-xs public Provide the stuff missing in List::Util in XS 2024-10-31
bioconductor-bambu public Context-Aware Transcript Quantification from Long Read RNA-Seq data 2024-10-30
fmsi public FMSI - memory efficient k-mer set index based on masked superstrings and Burrows-Wheeler transform. 2024-10-30
kleborate public Kleborate: a tool for typing and screening pathogen genome assemblies 2024-10-30
spring public Spring is a compression tool for Fastq files 2024-10-30
r-recetox-aplcms public apLCMS is a software which generates a feature table from a batch of LC/MS spectra. A modified fork of the original apLCMS by Tianwei Yu. 2024-10-30
scirpy public A Scanpy extension for analyzing single-cell T-cell and B-cell receptor (TCR/BCR) sequencing data. 2024-10-30
r-mfassignr public The MFAssignR package was designed for multi-element molecular formula (MF) assignment of ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry measurements. A number of tools for internal mass recalibration, MF assignment, signal-to-noise evaluation, and unambiguous formula selections are provided. 2024-10-30
ncbi-stxtyper public StxTyper identifies and types Stx operons from assembled genomic sequence. 2024-10-30
r-liger public Uses an extension of nonnegative matrix factorization to identify shared and dataset-specific factors. See Welch J, Kozareva V, et al (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.cell.2019.05.006>, and Liu J, Gao C, Sodicoff J, et al (2020) <doi:10.1038/s41596-020-0391-8> for more details. 2024-10-30
genoflu public Influenza data pipeline to automate genotyping assignment. 2024-10-30
perl-datetime-locale public Localization support for DateTime.pm 2024-10-30
ampd-up public De novo antimicrobial peptide sequence generation with recurrent neural networks 2024-10-30
miniprot public Miniprot aligns a protein sequence against a genome with affine gap penalty, splicing and frameshift. It is primarily intended for annotating protein-coding genes in a new species using known genes from other species. 2024-10-30
perl-term-table public Format a header and rows into a table 2024-10-30
doubletdetection public Method to detect and enable removal of doublets from single-cell RNA-sequencing. 2024-10-30
phenograph public Graph-based clustering for high-dimensional single-cell data. 2024-10-29
stxtyper public Accurately type both known and unknown Shiga toxin operons from assembled genomic sequence. 2024-10-29
ncbi-amrfinderplus public AMRFinderPlus finds antimicrobial resistance and other genes in protein or nucleotide sequences. 2024-10-29
pbmm2 public A minimap2 frontend for PacBio native data formats 2024-10-29
pyscenic public Python implementation of the SCENIC pipeline for transcription factor inference from single-cell transcriptomics experiments. 2024-10-29
nf-core public Python package with helper tools for the nf-core community. 2024-10-29
geosketch public Geometry-preserving random sampling. 2024-10-29
pbsv public pbsv - PacBio structural variant (SV) calling and analysis tools 2024-10-29
pbtk public pbtk - PacBio BAM toolkit 2024-10-29
pbmarkdup public pbmarkdup - Mark duplicate reads from PacBio sequencing of an amplified library 2024-10-29
ppanggolin public PPanGGOLiN: Depicting microbial species diversity via a Partitioned PanGenome Graph 2024-10-29
tides-ml public Tool for ORF-calling and ORF-classification using ML approaches. 2024-10-29
pbpigeon public PacBio transcript toolkit 2024-10-29
pgscatalog-utils public Utilities for working with PGS Catalog API and scoring files 2024-10-29
nordic public NORDic: a Network-Oriented package for the Repurposing of Drugs 2024-10-29
sainsc public Segmentation-free Analysis of In Situ Capture data. 2024-10-29

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