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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
noresm public The Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM) is a coupled climate model for simulating Earth’s climate system 2023-06-16
archer public Pre-process amplicon data before running CLIMB workflows. 2023-06-16
rnaprot public Modelling RBP binding preferences to predict RPB binding sites 2023-06-16
shiptv public Generate a standalone HTML file with an interactive phylogenetic tree using PhyloCanvas 2023-06-16
squeegee public squeegee, de novo computational contamination detection tool for metagenomic samples 2023-06-16
tritimap public Triti-Map is a Snakemake-based pipeline for gene mapping in Triticeae. 2023-06-16
doubletd public doubletD is a method to detect doublets in single-cell DNA sequencing data 2023-06-16
gcen public GCEN: an easy-to-use toolkit for Gene Co-Expression Network analysis and lncRNAs annotation 2023-06-16
psytrans public psytrans.py - Parasite & Symbiont Transcriptome Separation 2023-06-16
zmwfilter public PacBio utility to filter reads on ZMW ID(s) 2023-06-16
extracthifi public PacBio utility to extract HiFi reads from CCS reads 2023-06-16
multitax public Python package to obtain, parse and explore biological taxonomies 2023-06-16
isoplot public Generate figures from Isocor output 2023-06-16
renet2 public RENET2: High-Performance Full-text Gene-Disease Relation Extraction with Iterative Training Data Expansion 2023-06-16
dipcall public Dipcall is a reference-based variant calling pipeline for a pair of phased haplotype assemblies. 2023-06-16
python-codon-tables public Codon Usage Tables for Python, from kazusa.or.jp 2023-06-16
zpca public PCA analysis for genes or transcripts. 2023-06-16
ngmaster public In silico multi-antigen sequence typing for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG-MAST) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae sequence typing for antimicrobial resistance (NG-STAR) 2023-06-16
lissero public In silico serotyping of Listeria monocytogenes 2023-06-16
ffindex-dbkit public Tools to create ffindex files 2023-06-16
alv public A console-based sequence alignment viewer 2023-06-16
seidr public Community gene network inference and exploration toolkit 2023-06-16
gromacs_mpi public GROMACS is a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics. 2023-06-16
springsuite public The Spring Suite contains tools to predict and model protein-protein interactions from FASTA sequences and HHsearch threading results. 2023-06-16
scalop public SCALOP - Sequence-based antibody Canonical LOoP structure annotation 2023-06-16
bacgwasim public BacGWASim is a simulator for Bacterial Machine learning and Genome-wide Association studies. 2023-06-16
dadaist2-full public Meta-package for Dadaist2 with full R packages, VSEARCH, CD-HIT and MultiQC 2023-06-16
troika-tb public A pipeline implementing TB-Profiler for batch detection and reporting of anti-microbial resistance in TB for public health and clinical use. 2023-06-16
godmd public GOdMD Conformational Transitions with discrete Molecular Dynamics 2023-06-16
longestrunsubsequence public Implementation of a solver for the Longest Run Subsequence Problem. Given a sequence as input, compute a longest subsequence such that there is at most one run for every character. 2023-06-16
rodeo public RODEO evaluates one or many genes, characterizing a gene neighborhood based on the presence of profile hidden Markov models (pHMMs). Because RiPP precursor peptides are small and often evade annotation in sequence databases, RODEO can also manually translate small ORFs (open reading frames). A combination of support vector machine (SVM) learning and motif analysis can be used to scan unannotated intergenic regions for RiPP precursors. 2023-06-16
metaclassifier public MetaClassifier is an integrated pipeline for classifying and quantifying DNA metabarcoding data into taxonomy groups 2023-06-16
leehom public Maximum-likelihood adapter trimming and removal 2023-06-16
dms public Comprehensive taxonomic and phylogenetic comparison of shotgun metagenomes at the species level 2023-06-16
komb public Characterizing metagenomes using K-Core decomposition 2023-06-16
gcta public GCTA (Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis) estimates the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by all genome-wide SNPs for complex traits. 2023-06-16
haploview public Haploview is designed to simplify and expedite the process of haplotype analysis by providing a common interface to several tasks relating to such analyses. 2023-06-16
calitas public A CRISPR/Cas-aware ALigner for In silico off-TArget Search 2023-06-16
machina public Metastatic And Clonal History INtegrative Analysis 2023-06-16
fmlrc2 public A rust implementation of fmlrc with faster run times. 2023-06-16
mapula public Calculation of alignment statistics 2023-06-16
flanker public Gene-flank analysis tool 2023-06-16
cassis public Detection of genomic rearrangement breakpoints 2023-06-16
beamspy public BEAMSpy - Birmingham mEtabolite Annotation for Mass Spectrometry (Python package) 2023-06-16
aplanat public Bokeh plotting API, with bio-focussed extras. 2023-06-16
gplas public gplas is a tool to bin plasmid-predicted contigs based on sequence composition, coverage and assembly graph information. It extends the possibility of accurately binning predicted plasmid contigs into several discrete plasmid components. 2023-06-16
mitofinder public Mitofinder is a pipeline to assemble mitochondrial genomes and annotate mitochondrial genes from trimmed read sequencing data. 2023-06-16
mirnature public MiRNAture improves on ideas from MIRfix and integrates it with homology search. miRNAture is specifically designed to identify and annotate metazoan miRNAs in a homology-based setting and is complementary to tools and pipelines that extract miRNA candidates from small RNA-seq data 2023-06-16
ribolands public Energy landscapes and folding kinetics of nucleic acids 2023-06-16
crnsimulator public Simulate chemical recation networks (CRNs) using ordinary differential equations (ODEs). 2023-06-16

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