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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
jgoslin public This project is a parser, validator and normalizer for shorthand lipid names, based on the Goslin project. 2023-11-28
visor public Haplotype-aware structural variants simulator for short, long and linked reads 2023-11-28
cstag-cli public Command line interface of cstag to manipulate the minimap2's CS tag 2023-11-25
gunc public Python package for detection of chimerism and contamination in prokaryotic genomes. 2023-11-24
anansnake public Automated ANANSE analysis with seq2science & snakemake! 2023-11-23
iphop public Predict host genus from genomes of uncultivated phages. 2023-11-22
gimmemotifs public Motif prediction pipeline and various motif-related tools 2023-11-22
gimmemotifs-minimal public Motif prediction pipeline and various motif-related tools 2023-11-22
hpcblast public A wrapper for NCBI-BLAST+ suite which provides a simple and efficient method to accelerate the blast search 2023-11-22
qualimap public Quality control of alignment sequencing data and its derivatives like feature counts 2023-11-21
srnaminer public sRNAminer: a Multifunctional Toolkit for Next Generation Sequencing Small RNA Data Mining 2023-11-21
gapmm2 public gapmm2: gapped alignment using minimap2 2023-11-17
lorax public A long-read analysis toolbox for cancer genomics 2023-11-17
mimseq public Modification-induced misincorporation tRNA sequencing. 2023-11-16
deeparg public A deep learning based approach to predict Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) from metagenomes 2023-11-15
hic2cool public A converter between .hic files (from juicer) and single-resolution or multi-resolution .cool files (for cooler). 2023-11-15
goalign public goalign is a set of command line tools to manipulate multiple alignments 2023-11-14
deepbgc public DeepBGC - Biosynthetic Gene Cluster detection and classification 2023-11-12
fit_nbinom public Script to fit negative binomial distributions via maximum likelihood estimation. 2023-11-11
brooklyn_plot public Gene co-expression and transcriptional bursting pattern recognition tool in single cell/nucleus RNA-sequencing data 2023-11-08
dgenies public Dotplot large Genomes in an Interactive, Efficient and Simple way 2023-11-07
amptk public AMPtk: Amplicon tool kit for processing high throughput amplicon sequencing data. 2023-11-07
blastbesties public Rapid discovery of reciprocal best blast pairs from BLAST output files. 2023-11-07
nmrml2isa public nmrml2isa - nmrML to ISA-Tab parsing tool 2023-11-07
scmap-cli public CLI scripts for the scmap package 2023-11-07
snakesv public snakeSV: Flexible framework for large-scale SV discovery 2023-11-06
perl-metabolomics-fragment-annotation public Perl extension for fragment annotation in metabolomics 2023-11-04
omark public OMArk - Proteome quality assesment based on OMAmer placements 2023-11-03
isocor public A Isotope Correction for mass spectrometry labeling experiments 2023-11-02
mtm-align public Align multiple protein structures 2023-11-02
r-pspecterlib public Proteomics R package for matching peaks in digested and intact proteomics 2023-11-01
dna_features_viewer public Plot features from DNA sequences (e.g. Genbank) with Python 2023-11-01
catch public A package for designing compact and comprehensive capture probe sets. 2023-11-01
phantasm-xenogi public xenoGI for PHANTASM 2023-10-31
mzmine public Integrative analysis of multimodal mass spectrometry data 2023-10-30
atlas-fastq-provider public A package to provide FASTQs via download or file system linking. 2023-10-30
vcf2cytosure public Convert VCF with structural variations to CytoSure format 2023-10-30
itolparser public Small script to produce iTOL colorstrip metadata files from a table 2023-10-29
phylogenize public Phylogenize is a tool that allows users to link microbial genes to environments, accounting for phylogeny. 2023-10-29
args_oap public ARGs-OAP: Online Analysis Pipeline for Antibiotic Resistance Genes Detection from Metagenomic Data Using an Integrated Structured ARG Database 2023-10-28
gdmicro public GDmicro - Use GCN and Deep adaptation network to classify host disease status based on human gut microbiome data 2023-10-28
pygenomeviz public A genome visualization python package for comparative genomics 2023-10-28
fastmlst public A Fast Multilocus Sequence Typing scan against PubMLST typing schemes 2023-10-27
auriclass public AuriClass is a tool for quickly predicting the clade of a Candida auris genome. 2023-10-27
bismark public Bismark is a program to map bisulfite treated sequencing reads to a genome of interest and perform methylation calls in a single step. The output can be easily imported into a genome viewer, such as SeqMonk, and enables a researcher to analyse the methylation levels of their samples straight away. 2023-10-26
microhapdb public Portable database of microhaplotype marker and allele frequency data. 2023-10-25
gndiff public GNdiff compares scientific names from two files 2023-10-25
arvados-cwl-runner public Arvados Common Workflow Language runner 2023-10-25
mavis-config public Config validation for running MAVIS via Snakemake 2023-10-23
graphanalyzer public A tool to automatically interpret the outputs generated by vConTACT2 when using the INPHARED database 2023-10-23

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