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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ontime public Extract subsets of ONT (Nanopore) reads based on time 2024-02-13
mira-multiome public Single-cell multiomics data analysis 2024-02-12
lisa2 public Lisa: inferring transcriptional regulators through integrative modeling of public chromatin accessibility and ChIP-seq data. X. Shirley Liu Lab, 2020 2024-02-12
pass public Proteome Assembler with Short Sequence peptides 2024-02-12
pytransaln public Translation-guided nucleotide alignment for coding sequences 2024-02-10
r-linxreport public LINX Result Reporter 2024-02-10
purge_haplotigs public Pipeline to help with curating heterozygous diploid genome assemblies. 2024-02-09
gffpandas public Parse GFF3 into Pandas dataframes 2024-02-09
perl-ms public Namespace for mass spectrometry-related libraries 2024-02-09
orsum public A tool to filter long lists of enriched terms resulting from one or more enrichment analyses 2024-02-08
koverage public Read-coverage statistics pipelines for multiple samples 2024-02-08
snaketool-utils public Utility functions for Snaketool CLI for bioinformatics tools 2024-02-08
virulencefinder public VirulenceFinder identifies virulence genes in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria 2024-02-07
r-chord public Predict HRD using somatic mutations contexts 2024-02-07
hmftools-gripss public GRIPSS applies a set of filtering and post processing steps on GRIDSS paired tumor-normal output to produce a high confidence set of somatic SV for a tumor sample. 2024-02-07
mass2chem public Common utilities for interpreting mass spectrometry data 2024-02-06
degenotate public Annotation of degeneracy of sites in coding regions of a genome 2024-02-05
seq2science public Automated preprocessing of Next-Generation-Sequencing data. 2024-02-05
novoplasty public The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller 2024-02-05
pypolca public Standalone Python re-implementation of the POLCA polisher from MaSuRCA 2024-02-02
dropkick public Automated scRNA-seq filtering 2024-02-02
ephemeris public Ephemeris is an opinionated library and set of scripts for managing the bootstrapping of Galaxy project plugins - tools, index data, and workflows. 2024-02-01
pourrna public Compute local minima and respective transition rates of an RNA energy landscape. 2024-02-01
strainscan public One efficient and accurate strain-level microbiome composition analysis tool based on reference genomes and k-mers. 2024-02-01
malt public A tool for mapping metagenomic data 2024-02-01
chromograph public Chromograph is a python package to create PNG images from genetics data such as BED and WIG files. 2024-02-01
ezaai public EzAAI is a suite of workflows for improved AAI calculation performance along with the novel module that provides hierarchical clustering analysis and dendrogram representation. 2024-02-01
mosca public MOSCA - Meta-Omics Software for Community Analysis 2024-01-30
ccsmeth public Detecting DNA methylation from PacBio CCS read 2024-01-30
itol-config public Package to create iTOL config files 2024-01-30
pycov3 public Generate cov3 files used in DEMIC 2024-01-29
sirius-csifingerid public SIRIUS (CLI + GUI) LC-MS/MS data analyses framework. Includes: SIRIUS, ZODIAC, CSI:FingerID (with COSMIC) and CANOPUS 2024-01-27
comebin public COMEBin allows effective binning of metagenomic contigs using COntrastive Multi-viEw representation learning 2024-01-27
memote public the genome-scale metabolic model test suite 2024-01-27
seqan3 public SeqAn3 is the new version of the popular SeqAn template library for the analysis of biological sequences. 2024-01-26
perl-biox-seq public a basic but fast biological sequence object and associated parsers 2024-01-25
cgt public Calculate a core genome threshold (cgt) from metagenome data 2024-01-25
sativa public SATIVA Semi-Automatic Taxonomy Improvement and Validation Algorithm 2024-01-25
dnoise public Denoise sequence data sets from Illumina using distance corrected according to the entropy of each codon position 2024-01-24
vcf2variants public Convert vcf files to varda variant files. 2024-01-24
presto public A bioinformatics toolkit for processing high-throughput lymphocyte receptor sequencing data. 2024-01-24
crispector public Accurate estimation of off-target editing activity from comparative NGS data 2024-01-24
svync public A tool to standardize VCF files from structural variant callers 2024-01-23
nanometa-live public Workflow and GUI for real-time species classification and pathogen characterization of nanopore sequence reads. 2024-01-22
kingfisher public Download/extract biological FASTA/Q read data and metadata 2024-01-22
irissv public Software for refining insertion sequences in structural variant calls 2024-01-22
metdatamodel public Data models for metabolomics 2024-01-19
protmapper public Map protein sites to human reference sequence. 2024-01-19
raiss public SNP summary statistics imputation package 2024-01-18
gtfparse public GTF Parsing 2024-01-17

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