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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
virstrain public An RNA/DNA virus strain-level identification tool for short reads. 2024-03-10
merge-gbk-records public Turn multiple GenBank records (either in multiple files or a single multi-record file) into a single record 2024-03-10
cutefc public Regenotyping structural variants through an accurate and efficient force-calling method 2024-03-10
rdp_classifier public Naive Bayesian classifier that can rapidly and accurately provide taxonomic assignments from domain to genus 2024-03-09
plassembler public Quickly and accurately assemble plasmids in hybrid sequenced bacterial isolates 2024-03-08
cellsnake public cellsnake, a user-friendly tool for single cell RNA sequencing analysis 2024-03-08
mg-toolkit public Metagenomics toolkit. 2024-03-07
semibin public Metagenomic binning with semi-supervised siamese neural networks 2024-03-07
ribotools public Ribo-seq analysis tools associated with the Rp-Bp package and more 2024-03-06
phylophlan public Precise phylogenetic analysis of microbial isolates and genomes from metagenomes 2024-03-06
dosage_score public Dosage-score: pipline to estimate dosage of each genomic region 2024-03-06
ffq public A command line tool that makes it easier to find sequencing data from the SRA / GEO / ENA. 2024-03-05
mercat2 public versatile k-mer counter and diversity estimator for database independent property analysis (DIPA) for multi-omic analysis 2024-03-05
screadcounts public SCReadCounts is a computational tool for a cell-level assessment of the read counts bearing a particular nucleotide at genomic positions of interest from single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. 2024-03-05
straindesign public Library to perform metabolic engineering tasks 2024-03-05
biodigest public In silico Validation of Disease and Gene Sets, Clusterings or Subnetworks (DIGEST) 2024-03-05
somalier public fast sample-swap and relatedness checks on BAMs/CRAMs/VCFs/GVCFs. 2024-03-05
abra2 public ABRA2 is an updated implementation of ABRA 2024-03-04
cptac public Python packaging for CPTAC data 2024-03-04
jronn public JRONN is based on the C implementation of RONN algorithm. 2024-03-04
drep public De-replication of microbial genomes assembled from multiple samples 2024-03-01
circulocov public CirculoCov is a Python tool designed for circular-aware coverage analysis of draft genomes 2024-02-29
magic-impute public Markov Affinity-based Graph Imputation of Cells 2024-02-29
nanoinsight public Repeat annotation tool for insertions called by NanoVar 2024-02-28
gecco public Biosynthetic Gene Cluster prediction with Conditional Random Fields. 2024-02-28
curare public A Customizable and Reproducible Analysis Pipeline for RNA-Seq Experiments. 2024-02-28
ont-fast5-api public Oxford Nanopore Technologies fast5 API software 2024-02-28
aacon public AACon: A Fast Amino Acid Conservation Calculation Service 2024-02-26
piscem-infer public piscem-infer is a flexible tool to perform target quantification from bulk-sequencing data 2024-02-26
cobra-meta public COBRA is a tool to get higher quality viral genomes assembled from metagenomes. 2024-02-26
cosg public Accurate and fast cell marker gene identification with COSG 2024-02-25
insilicoseq public A sequencing simulator. 2024-02-23
dudes public DUDes: a top-down taxonomic profiler for metagenomics and metaproteomics 2024-02-22
ngs-chew public Simple QC and sanity checking of germline NGS data 2024-02-21
scanpy-scripts public Scripts for using scanpy from the command line 2024-02-21
biocommons.seqrepo public Python package for writing and reading a local collection of biological sequences. 2024-02-20
sctriangulate public A Python package to mix-and-match conflicting clustering results in single cell analysis, and generate reconciled clustering solutions. 2024-02-19
mirmachine public A command line to tool detect miRNA homologs in genome sequences. 2024-02-19
braker3 public BRAKER3 is the latest pipeline in the BRAKER suite 2024-02-18
serotypefinder public SerotypeFinder identifies the serotype in total or partial sequenced isolates of E. coli. 2024-02-16
bigscape public Biosynthetic Genes Similarity Clustering and Prospecting Engine. 2024-02-16
badread public A long read simulator that can imitate many types of read problems 2024-02-16
sercol public Rich collection class with grouping and filtering helpers 2024-02-15
terrace public TERRACE is an assembler for circular RNAs. 2024-02-15
antismash public antiSMASH - the antibiotics and Secondary Metabolite Analysis SHell 2024-02-14
ontime public Extract subsets of ONT (Nanopore) reads based on time 2024-02-13
mira-multiome public Single-cell multiomics data analysis 2024-02-12
lisa2 public Lisa: inferring transcriptional regulators through integrative modeling of public chromatin accessibility and ChIP-seq data. X. Shirley Liu Lab, 2020 2024-02-12
pass public Proteome Assembler with Short Sequence peptides 2024-02-12
pytransaln public Translation-guided nucleotide alignment for coding sequences 2024-02-10

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