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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
vcfanno public annotate a VCF with other VCFs/BEDs/tabixed files 2024-04-19
jolytree public Fast alignment-free phylogenetic reconstruction from genome sequences 2024-04-19
salty public SaLTy assigns a lineage to Staphylococcus aureus WGS data and is suitable for describing large-scale S. aureus genomic epidemiology. 2024-04-19
robust-bias-aware public Robust bias aware. 2024-04-18
colabfold public ColabFold: making protein folding accessible to all 2024-04-18
malva public genotyping by Mapping-free ALternate-allele detection of known VAriants 2024-04-18
segzoo public System for turnkey analysis of semi-automated genome annotations 2024-04-18
poly-qtlseq public PolyploidQtlSeq is a program that extends QTL-seq for polyploid F1 populations. 2024-04-16
clippy public An intuitive and interactive peak caller for CLIP data 2024-04-15
monopogen public Monopogen is an analysis package for SNV calling from single-cell sequencing datasets generated from single cell RNA 10x 5', 10x 3', single ATAC-seq technoloiges, scDNA-seq, etc. 2024-04-15
helitronscanner public HelitronScanner uncovers a large overlooked cache of Helitron transposons in many genomes 2024-04-14
ribotricer public Python package to detect translating ORF from Ribo-seq data 2024-04-14
dmtools public BS-seq, WGBS, NOMe-Seq, RRBS data storage and analysis tool dmtools 2024-04-14
igfinder public A tool to extract Igh and Igl/Igk gene sequences from assembled transcripts 2024-04-14
xxmotif public No Summary 2024-04-14
gffutils public Work with GFF and GTF files in a flexible database framework 2024-04-13
perl-parallel-loops public Execute loops using parallel forked subprocesses 2024-04-13
maaslin2 public MaAsLin2 is comprehensive R package for efficiently determining multivariable association between microbial meta'omic features and clinical metadata. 2024-04-13
bioconductor-enrichtf public Transcription Factors Enrichment Analysis 2024-04-12
vgan public Suite of tools for pangenomics built using vg 2024-04-12
panisa public panISa is a software to search insertion sequence (IS) on resequencing data (bam file) 2024-04-10
checkatlas public One liner tool to check the quality of your single-cell atlases. 2024-04-10
cutesv public cuteSV is a long-read based human genomic structural variation detection tool 2024-04-10
getorganelle public Get organelle genomes from genome skimming data 2024-04-10
isonform public De novo construction of isoforms from long-read data 2024-04-09
pangu public CYP2D6 PGx caller for PacBio HiFi Data 2024-04-09
attotree public rapid estimation of phylogenetic trees using sketching 2024-04-09
atlas-gene-annotation-manipulation public Scripts for manipulating gene annotation 2024-04-09
gmsc-mapper public GMSC-mapper is a command line tool to query the Global Microbial smORFs Catalog (GMSC). 2024-04-09
seqsero2 public Salmonella serotype prediction from genome sequencing data 2024-04-08
ccmetagen public CCMetagen: comprehensive and accurate identification of eukaryotes and prokaryotes in metagenomic data. 2024-04-08
hifihla public An HLA star-calling tool for PacBio HiFi data types 2024-04-05
ddrage public Simulator for ddRADseq (double digest restriction site associated DNA sequencing) datasets. Generates reads (FASTQ format) that can be analyzed and validated using a ground truth file (YAML). 2024-04-05
locidex public Locidex: Common search engine for similarity based typing applications 2024-04-04
phava public Detection of invertons from long-read sequencing datasets 2024-04-04
ampligone public Ampligone is a tool which accurately removes primer sequences from FastQ NGS reads in an amplicon sequencing experiment 2024-04-03
anansescanpy public implementation of scANANSE for scanpy objects in Python 2024-04-03
pyega3 public EGA python client 2024-04-03
annotwg public Tool for annotating large VCF files 2024-04-03
abacas public ABACAS is intended to rapidly contiguate (align, order, orientate), visualize and design primers to close gaps on shotgun assembled contigs based on a reference sequence. 2024-04-03
gatk public The full Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) framework, v3 2024-04-03
cgatcore public CGAT : the Computational Genomics Analysis Toolkit 2024-04-02
lemur public Lemur is a tool for rapid and accurate taxonomic profiling on long-read metagenomic datasets 2024-04-01
bioconductor-cellhashr public An R package designed to demultiplex cell hashing data. More information in https://bimberlab.github.io/cellhashR/Lab B (2024). cellhashR: A Package for Demultiplexing Cell Hashing Data. 2024-04-01
gmm-demux public GMM-Demux is a Gaussian-Mixture-Model-based software for processing sample barcoding data (cell hashing and MULTI-seq). 2024-04-01
hybran public Comparative prokaryotic genome annotation 2024-03-30
bcftools-gtc2vcf-plugin public Tools to convert Illumina and Affymetrix array intensity data files into VCF files. 2024-03-29
stecfinder public Cluster informed Shigatoxin producing E. coli (STEC) serotyping tool from Illumina reads and assemblies 2024-03-29
igvtools public Command line tools for IGV 2024-03-28
msgf_plus public MS-GF+ is a MS/MS database search tool 2024-03-28

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