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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
handyreadgenotyper public Tool for training model and classifying reads from environmental ONT amplicon sequencing. 2024-09-05
annotsv public Annotation and Ranking of Structural Variation 2024-09-05
allo public Multi-mapped read rescue strategy for gene regulatory analyses 2024-09-05
clipandmerge public Clip&Merge is a tool to clip off adapters from sequencing reads and merge overlapping paired end reads together. 2024-09-05
dedup public DeDup is a tool for read deduplication in paired-end read merging (e.g. for ancient DNA experiments). 2024-09-05
bcbio-gff public A Python library to read and write Generic Feature Format (GFF). 2024-09-05
beacon2-import public Seamlessly import and query genomic variant data from a beacon 2024-09-04
jvarkit public Java utilities for Bioinformatics. 2024-09-03
mehari public VEP-like tool for sequence ontology and HGVS annotation of VCF files written in Rust. 2024-09-03
beav public beav: Bacterial genome and mobile element annotation pipeline 2024-09-02
wfmash public a pangenome-scale aligner 2024-09-02
blast2galaxy public A Python package with a CLI and API to perform BLAST queries against Galaxy servers 2024-09-02
dbcanlight public A lightweight CAZyme annotation tool 2024-08-30
samestr public SameStr identifies shared strains between pairs of metagenomic samples based on the similarity of SNV profiles. 2024-08-30
ezomero public A module with convenience functions for writing Python code that interacts with OMERO 2024-08-30
inspector public Accurate long-read de novo assembly evaluation with Inspector 2024-08-30
kegalign-full public KegAlign: A Scalable GPU-Based Whole Genome Aligner 2024-08-29
cnmf public Consensus NMF for scRNA-Seq data. 2024-08-29
anndata2ri public Convert between AnnData and SingleCellExperiment 2024-08-29
wisecondorx public WIthin-SamplE COpy Number aberration DetectOR, including sex chromosomes 2024-08-29
pango-collapse public Collapse Pango sublineages up to user defined parent lineages. 2024-08-29
sepp public SATe-enabled phylogenetic placement 2024-08-29
pygcap public Python package for probe-based gene cluster finding in large microbial genome database. 2024-08-28
maegatk public Mitochondrial Alteration Enrichment and Genome Analysis Toolkit 2024-08-27
argnorm public Normalize antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) abundance tables (e.g., from metagenomics) by using the ARO ontology (developed by CARD). 2024-08-26
metav public Rapid detection and classification of viruses in metagenomics sequencing. 2024-08-26
perl-parallel-forkmanager public A simple parallel processing fork manager 2024-08-26
jclusterfunk public A command line tool with a bunch of functions for trees 2024-08-26
pasty public A tool easily taken advantage of for in silico serogrouping of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates 2024-08-26
itolapi public API for interacting with itol.embl.de 2024-08-26
sccmec public A tool for typing SCCmec cassettes in assemblies 2024-08-25
camlhmp public Classification through yAML Heuristic Mapping Protocol 2024-08-25
pling public Pling computes the rearrangement distance between plasmids and clusters on their basis 2024-08-24
gxformat2 public Galaxy Workflow Format 2 Descriptions 2024-08-23
bpipe public Bpipe - a tool for running and managing bioinformatics pipelines 2024-08-23
mimsi public A Deep Mulitple Instance Learning Classifier for Microsatellite Instability 2024-08-22
popoolation2 public PoPoolation2 allows to compare allele frequencies for SNPs between two or more populations and to identify significant differences. 2024-08-22
snakemake-executor-plugin-tes public A Snakemake executor plugin for submitting jobs to a GA4GH TES cluster. 2024-08-22
pathogen-embed public Create reduced dimension embeddings for pathogen sequences 2024-08-22
sigprofilerassignment public SigProfilerAssignment - Assignment of known mutational signatures to individual samples and individual somatic mutations 2024-08-22
pyseer public Sequence Element Enrichment Analysis (SEER), python implementation 2024-08-22
cami-opal public OPAL assesses and compares the performance of taxonomic metagenome profilers. 2024-08-21
strdust public Tandem repeat genotyper for long reads. 2024-08-21
mquad public MQuad: Mixture Model for Mitochondrial Mutation detection in single-cell omics data. 2024-08-21
bbmix public BBMix: inference of beta-binomial mixture model 2024-08-21
gmwi2 public Enhanced Health Status Prediction from Gut Microbiome Taxonomic Profiles 2024-08-21
vcfsim public Script for generating simulated VCF's leveraging a coalescent simulating backend. 2024-08-21
ms2query public Reliable and fast MS/MS spectral based analogue search 2024-08-20
cellsnp-lite public Efficient genotyping bi-allelic SNPs on single cells 2024-08-20
cloci public Co-occurrence Locus and Orthologous Cluster Identifier 2024-08-20

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