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Full genome sequences for Bos taurus (Cow) as provided by UCSC (bosTau4, Oct. 2007) and stored in Biostrings objects. The sequences are the same as in BSgenome.Btaurus.UCSC.bosTau4, except that each of them has the 4 following masks on top: (1) the mask of assembly gaps (AGAPS mask), (2) the mask of intra-contig ambiguities (AMB mask), (3) the mask of repeats from RepeatMasker (RM mask), and (4) the mask of repeats from Tandem Repeats Finder (TRF mask). Only the AGAPS and AMB masks are "active" by default.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Bos taurus (Cow) as provided by UCSC (bosTau3, Aug. 2006) and stored in Biostrings objects. The sequences are the same as in BSgenome.Btaurus.UCSC.bosTau3, except that each of them has the 4 following masks on top: (1) the mask of assembly gaps (AGAPS mask), (2) the mask of intra-contig ambiguities (AMB mask), (3) the mask of repeats from RepeatMasker (RM mask), and (4) the mask of repeats from Tandem Repeats Finder (TRF mask). Only the AGAPS and AMB masks are "active" by default.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Apis mellifera (Honey Bee) as provided by UCSC (apiMel2, Jan. 2005) and stored in Biostrings objects. The sequences are the same as in BSgenome.Amellifera.UCSC.apiMel2, except that each of them has the 3 following masks on top: (1) the mask of assembly gaps (AGAPS mask), (2) the mask of intra-contig ambiguities (AMB mask), and (3) the mask of repeats from RepeatMasker (RM mask). Only the AGAPS and AMB masks are "active" by default.
2023-12-14 |
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Full reference nuclear genome sequences for Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera PN40024 (derived from Pinot Noir and close to homozygosity after 6-9 rounds of selfing) as assembled by the IGGP (version 8X) and available at the URGI (INRA). More details in Jaillon et al (Nature, 2007).
2023-12-14 |
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Full reference nuclear genome sequences for Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera PN40024 (derived from Pinot Noir and close to homozygosity after 6-9 rounds of selfing) as assembled by the IGGP (version 12Xv2) and available at the URGI (INRA)
2023-12-14 |
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Full reference nuclear genome sequences for Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera PN40024 (derived from Pinot Noir and close to homozygosity after 6-9 rounds of selfing) as assembled by the IGGP (version 12Xv0) and available at the URGI (INRA)
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Taeniopygia guttata (Zebra finch) as provided by UCSC (taeGut2, Feb. 2013) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Taeniopygia guttata (Zebra finch) as provided by UCSC (taeGut1, Jul. 2008) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Toxoplasma gondii ME49 (ToxoDB-7.0)
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Sus scrofa (Pig) as provided by UCSC (susScr3, Aug. 2011) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Sus scrofa (Pig) as provided by UCSC (susScr11, Feb. 2017) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) full genome as provided by UCSC (sacCer3, April 2011) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) full genome as provided by UCSC (sacCer2, June 2008) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) full genome as provided by UCSC (sacCer1, Oct. 2003) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Rattus norvegicus (Rat) as provided by UCSC (rn6, Jul. 2014) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Rattus norvegicus (Rat) as provided by UCSC (rn5, Mar. 2012) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Rattus norvegicus (Rat) as provided by UCSC (rn4, Nov. 2004) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Pan troglodytes (Chimp) as provided by UCSC (panTro6, Jan. 2018) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Pan troglodytes (Chimp) as provided by UCSC (panTro5, May 2016) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Pan troglodytes (Chimp) as provided by UCSC (panTro3, Oct. 2010) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Pan troglodytes (Chimp) as provided by UCSC (panTro2, Mar. 2006) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Oryza sativa full genome (MSU7)
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Mus musculus (Mouse) as provided by UCSC (mm8, Feb. 2006) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Mus musculus (UCSC version mm10, based on GRCm38.p6)
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Macaca mulatta (Rhesus) as provided by UCSC (rheMac8, Nov. 2015) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Macaca mulatta (Rhesus) as provided by UCSC (rheMac3, Oct. 2010) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Macaca mulatta (Rhesus) as provided by UCSC (rheMac2, Jan. 2006) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Mustela putorius furo (Ferret) as provided by UCSC (musFur1, Apr. 2011) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Macaca fascicularis (long-tailed macaque) as provided by NCBI (Macaca_fascicularis_5.0, 2013-06-12) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Homo sapiens (Human) as provided by UCSC (hg18, Mar. 2006) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Homo sapiens (Human) as provided by UCSC (hg17, May 2004) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Homo sapiens (Human) as provided by NCBI (GRCh38, 2013-12-17) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Gallus gallus (Chicken) as provided by UCSC (galGal5, Dec. 2015) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Gallus gallus (Chicken) as provided by UCSC (galGal4, Nov. 2011) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Gallus gallus (Chicken) as provided by UCSC (galGal3, May 2006) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Gasterosteus aculeatus (Stickleback) as provided by UCSC (gasAcu1, Feb. 2006) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Escherichia coli full genomes for several strains as provided by NCBI on 2008/08/05 and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Danio rerio (Zebrafish) as provided by UCSC (danRer7, Jul. 2010) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Danio rerio (Zebrafish) as provided by UCSC (danRer6, Dec. 2008) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Danio rerio (Zebrafish) as provided by UCSC (danRer5, Jul. 2007) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Danio rerio (Zebrafish) as provided by UCSC (danRer10, Sep. 2014) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Drosophila melanogaster (Fly) as provided by UCSC (dm6, Aug. 2014) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Drosophila melanogaster (Fly) as provided by UCSC (dm3, Apr. 2006) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Drosophila melanogaster (Fly) as provided by UCSC (dm2, Apr. 2004) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-14 |
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Full genome sequences for Canis lupus familiaris (Dog) as provided by UCSC (canFam3, Sep. 2011) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-13 |
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Full genome sequences for Canis lupus familiaris (Dog) as provided by UCSC (canFam2, May 2005) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-13 |
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Full genome sequences for Caenorhabditis elegans (Worm) as provided by UCSC (ce6, May 2008) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-13 |
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Full genome sequences for Caenorhabditis elegans (Worm) as provided by UCSC (ce11, Feb. 2013) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-13 |
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No Summary
2023-12-13 |
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Full genome sequences for Cicer arietinum (Chickpea) as provided by NCBI (ASM33114v1, Jan. 2013) and stored in Biostrings objects.
2023-12-13 |