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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
jalview public Jalview is a free program for multiple sequence alignment editing, visualisation, analysis and figure generation. 2024-11-29
hicexplorer public Set of programs to process, analyze and visualize Hi-C and capture Hi-C data 2024-11-28
strelka public Strelka calls somatic and germline small variants from mapped sequencing reads 2024-11-28
repeatmodeler public RepeatModeler is a de-novo repeat family identification and modeling package. 2024-11-28
arvados-python-client public Python API for Arvados 2024-11-26
damidseq_pipeline public An automated pipeline for processing DamID sequencing datasets. 2024-11-25
hmftools-purple public PURPLE is a purity ploidy estimator for tumor samples. 2024-11-25
hmftools-amber public Generates a tumor BAF file for use in PURPLE. 2024-11-21
hmftools-cobalt public Calculate read-depth counts and GC ratios to use in PURPLE. 2024-11-21
biobb_model public Biobb_model is the Biobb module collection to check and model 3d structures, create mutations or reconstruct missing atoms. 2024-11-20
cnvkit public Copy number variant detection from high-throughput sequencing. 2024-11-18
beagle public Beagle is a software package for phasing genotypes and for imputing ungenotyped markers. 2024-11-14
teloclip public A tool for the recovery of unassembled telomeres from soft-clipped read alignments. 2024-11-13
bioblend public A Python library for interacting with the Galaxy API. 2024-11-07
cat public CAT/BAT: tool for taxonomic classification of contigs and metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) 2024-11-06
perl-ole-storage_lite public Read and write OLE storage files. 2024-11-05
tinscan public Find alignment signatures characteristic of transposon insertion sites. 2024-11-05
mimeo public Scan genomes for internally repeated sequences, elements which are repetitive in another species, or high-identity HGT candidate regions between species. 2024-11-04
seqkit public a cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulation 2024-11-03
taxonkit public A Cross-platform and Efficient NCBI Taxonomy Toolkit 2024-11-02
csvtk public A cross-platform, efficient, practical CSV/TSV toolkit 2024-11-02
fgbio public A set of tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data, including UMIs 2024-11-02
tirmite public Map TIR-pHMM models to genomic sequences for annotation of MITES and complete DNA-Transposons. 2024-10-31
gatk4 public Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK4) 2024-10-31
pbsv public pbsv - PacBio structural variant (SV) calling and analysis tools 2024-10-29
kaptive public Reports information about surface polysaccharide loci for Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex and Acinetobacter baumannii genome assemblies. 2024-10-28
lima public lima - The PacBio Barcode Demultiplexer 2024-10-28
masurca public MaSuRCA (Maryland Super-Read Celera Assembler) genome assembly software. MaSuRCA requires Illumina data, and supports third-generation PacBio/Nanopore MinION reads for hybrid assembly. 2024-10-28
shortstack public ShortStack: Comprehensive annotation and quantification of small RNA genes 2024-10-28
nanoqc public Create fastQC-like plots for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. 2024-10-28
fastqe public A emoji based bioinformatics command line tool. 2024-10-25
augustus public AUGUSTUS is a gene prediction program for eukaryotes written by Mario Stanke and Oliver Keller. It can be used as an ab initio program, which means it bases its prediction purely on the sequence. AUGUSTUS may also incorporate hints on the gene structure coming from extrinsic sources such as EST, MS/MS, protein alignments and synthenic genomic alignments. 2024-10-24
snippy public Rapid bacterial SNP calling and core genome alignments 2024-10-24
trim-galore public Trim Galore! is a wrapper script to automate quality and adapter trimming as well as quality control 2024-10-22
perl-excel-writer-xlsx public Create a new file in the Excel 2007+ XLSX format. 2024-10-22
sevenbridges-python public SBG API python client bindings 2024-10-19
pyteomics public A framework for proteomics data analysis. 2024-10-18
rseqc public QC package for RNA-seq data. 2024-10-16
solvebio public The SolveBio Python client 2024-10-14
biobb_common public Biobb_common is the base package required to use the biobb packages. 2024-10-11
pyfaidx public pyfaidx: efficient pythonic random access to fasta subsequences 2024-10-10
nanosim public NanoSim is a fast and scalable read simulator for Nanopore sequencing data. 2024-10-10
picard public Java tools for working with NGS data in the BAM format 2024-10-10
pyliftover public Pure-python implementation of UCSC ``liftOver`` genome coordinate conversion. 2024-10-07
galaxy_sequence_utils public Sequence Utilities from the Galaxy project 2024-10-07
orthofinder public Accurate inference of orthogroups, orthologues, gene trees and rooted species tree made easy! 2024-10-07
pysradb public Python package for retrieving metadata and downloading datasets from SRA/ENA/GEO 2024-10-03
python-hivclustering public A Python 3 library that makes inferences on HIV-1 transmission networks. 2024-10-01
peptide-shaker public Independent platform for interpretation of proteomics identification results. 2024-10-01
searchgui public User-friendly graphical tool for using proteomics identification search engines. 2024-10-01

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