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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
kaiju public Fast and sensitive taxonomic classification for metagenomics 2024-12-13
r-rubic public No Summary 2024-12-13
smhasher public No Summary 2024-12-13
ucsc-chromgraphtobin public Make binary version of chromGraph. 2024-12-13
ucsc-chainprenet public Remove chains that don't have a chance of being netted 2024-12-13
zerone public Zerone discretizes several ChIP-seq replicates simultaneously and resolves conflicts between them. 2024-12-13
perl-math-cdf public Generate probabilities and quantiles from several statistical probability functions 2024-12-13
takeabreak public tool that can detect inversion breakpoints directly from raw NGS reads, without the need of any reference genome and without de novo assembling the genomes 2024-12-13
ucsc-chainfilter public Filter chain files. Output goes to standard out. 2024-12-13
groot public A tool for resistome profiling of metagenomic samples. 2024-12-13
prodigal public Prodigal (Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm) is a microbial (bacterial and archaeal) gene finding program 2024-12-13
ucsc-wigtobigwig public Convert ascii format wig file (in fixedStep, variableStep). 2024-12-13
pytabix public Fast random access to sorted files compressed with bgzip and indexed by tabix. 2024-12-13
ucsc-bigwigsummary public Extract summary information from a bigWig file. 2024-12-13
ucsc-psldropoverlap public deletes all overlapping self alignments. 2024-12-13
clustalw public No Summary 2024-12-13
ucsc-oligomatch public find perfect matches in sequence. 2024-12-13
nonpareil public Estimate average coverage and create curves for metagenomic datasets 2024-12-13
selscan public a program to calculate EHH-based scans for positive selection in genomes 2024-12-13
ucsc-findmotif public find specified motif in sequence 2024-12-13
ucsc-chaintoaxt public Convert from chain to axt file 2024-12-13
swarm public A robust and fast clustering method for amplicon-based studies. 2024-12-13
dsk public DSK is a k-mer counter for reads or genomes. 2024-12-13
ucsc-psltochain public Convert psl records to chain records 2024-12-13
cd-hit public Clusters and compares protein or nucleotide sequences 2024-12-13
mvicuna public M-Vicuna is a modularized version of VICUNA, a de novo assembly program targeting populations with high mutation rates 2024-12-13
sparc public No Summary 2024-12-13
verse public VERSE: a versatile and efficient RNA-Seq read counting tool 2024-12-13
lordfast public Sensitive and Fast Alignment Search Tool for Long Read sequencing Data 2024-12-13
ucsc-tolower public Convert upper case to lower case in file. Leave other chars alone 2024-12-13
anise_basil public BASIL is a method to detect breakpoints for structural variants (including insertion breakpoints) from aligned paired HTS reads in BAM format. ANISE is a method for the assembly of large insertions from paired reads in BAM format and a list candidate insert breakpoints as generated by BASIL. 2024-12-13
mapdia public Performs essential data preprocessing, including novel retention time-based normalization method and a sequence of peptide/fragment selection steps, and more importantly, hierarchical model-based statistical significance analysis for multi-group comparisons under representative experimental designs. 2024-12-13
red public Red (RepeatsDetector): an intelligent, rapid, accurate tool for detecting repeats de-novo on the genomic scale. 2024-12-13
hapbin public hapbin is a collection of tools for efficiently calculating Extended Haplotype Homozygosity (EHH), the Integrated Haplotype Score (iHS) and the Cross Population Extended Haplotype Homozogysity (XP-EHH) statistic. 2024-12-13
ucsc-addcols public Sum columns in a text file. 2024-12-13
ucsc-avecols public average together columns 2024-12-13
ucsc-chainsplit public Split chains up by target or query sequence 2024-12-13
ucsc-fapolyasizes public get poly A sizes 2024-12-13
rust-ncbitaxonomy public A Rust crate for working with a local copy of the NCBI Taxonomy database, which provides utilities for taxonomic filtering. 2024-12-13
ucsc-hgbbidblink public Add table that just contains a pointer to a bbiFile to database. This program 2024-12-13
ucsc-mktime public convert date string to unix timestamp 2024-12-13
trimal public A tool for the automated removal of spurious sequences or poorly aligned regions from a multiple sequence alignment 2024-12-13
racon public Ultrafast consensus module for raw de novo genome assembly of long uncorrected reads. 2024-12-13
r-xmlrpc public A simple implementation of XML-RPC for R. 2024-12-13
ucsc-pslswap public Swap target and query in psls 2024-12-13
ucsc-ratotab public Convert ra file to table. 2024-12-13
ucsc-fetchchromsizes public used to fetch chrom.sizes information from UCSC for the given <db> 2024-12-13
ucsc-nibsize public print size of nibs 2024-12-13
libbigwig public A C library for handling bigWig files 2024-12-13
hmmer public Biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models 2024-12-13

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