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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
metacerberus-lite public MetaCerberus with reduced dependencies: Versatile Functional Ontology Assignments for Metagenomes via Hidden Markov Model (HMM) searching with environmental focus of shotgun meta'omics data 2024-07-16
strainr2 public StrainR2 accurately deconvolutes strain-level abundances in synthetic microbial communities using metagenomic sequencing reads 2024-07-16
phylodm public Efficient calculation of phylogenetic distance matrices. 2024-07-16
r-stitch public STITCH - Sequencing To Imputation Through Constructing Haplotypes 2024-07-16
fgbio public A set of tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data, including UMIs 2024-07-16
fgbio-minimal public A set of tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data, including UMIs 2024-07-16
chewbbaca public A complete suite for gene-by-gene schema creation and strain identification. 2024-07-16
tobias public Transcription factor Occupancy prediction By Investigation of ATAC-seq Signal 2024-07-16
biobb_chemistry public Biobb_chemistry is the Biobb module collection to perform chemical conversions. 2024-07-16
pyhmmer public Cython bindings and Python interface to HMMER3. 2024-07-16
fastp public A ultra-fast FASTQ preprocessor with full features (QC/adapters/trimming/filtering/splitting...) 2024-07-16
orfanage public Ultra-efficient and sensitive method to search for ORFs in spliced genomes guided by reference annotation to maximize protein similarity within genes. 2024-07-16
libbigwig public A C library for handling bigWig files 2024-07-16
ucsc-tolower public Convert upper case to lower case in file. Leave other chars alone 2024-07-16
ucsc-xmlcat public Concatenate xml files together, stuffing all records inside a single outer tag. 2024-07-16
giatools public Tools required for Galaxy Image Analysis 2024-07-16
ucsc-nibfrag public Extract part of a nib file as .fa (all bases/gaps lower case by default) 2024-07-16
ucsc-pslsort public Merge and sort psCluster .psl output files 2024-07-16
pytrf public a fast Python package for finding tandem repeat sequences 2024-07-16
pixelator public A command-line tool and library to process and analyze sequencing data from Molecular Pixelation (MPX) assays. 2024-07-16
ensembl-utils public Ensembl Python general-purpose utils 2024-07-16
annonars public Genome annotation based on Rust and RocksDB. 2024-07-16
pia public PIA is a toolbox for MS based protein inference and identification analysis. 2024-07-16
cadd-scripts public CADD scripts release for offline scoring 2024-07-16
pycomo public PyCoMo is a software package for generating and analysing compartmentalized community metabolic models 2024-07-16
seismic-rna public SEISMIC-RNA software by the Rouskin Lab 2024-07-16
liftoff public An accurate GFF3/GTF lift over pipeline 2024-07-16
dajin2 public One-step genotyping tools for targeted long-read sequencing 2024-07-16
graftm public GraftM is a pipeline used for identifying and classifying marker gene reads from metagenomic datasets 2024-07-16
r-spacexr public Cell type identification and cell type-specific differential expression in spatial transcriptomics 2024-07-16
tides-ml public Tool for ORF-calling and ORF-classification using ML approaches 2024-07-16
bx-python public Tools for manipulating biological data, particularly multiple sequence alignments 2024-07-16
bioconda-repodata-patches public generate tweaks to index metadata, hosted separately from anaconda.org index 2024-07-16
mappy public Minimap2 Python binding 2024-07-15
bellmans-gapc public A language and compiler for algebraic dynamic programming. 2024-07-15
gtdb_to_taxdump public GTDB database utility scripts 2024-07-15
nanomotif public Identifying methlyation motifs in nanopore data 2024-07-15
pbstarphase public A phase-aware pharmacogenomic diplotyper for PacBio sequencing data 2024-07-15
illumina-interop public The Illumina InterOp libraries are a set of common routines used for reading and writing InterOp metric files. These metric files are binary files produced during a run providing detailed statistics about a run. In a few cases, the metric files are produced after a run during secondary analysis (index metrics) or for faster display of a subset of the original data (collapsed quality scores). 2024-07-15
augur public Process pathogen genome data for the Nextstrain platform 2024-07-15
mycotools public Comparative genomics automation and standardization software 2024-07-15
bioconductor-maaslin2 public "Multivariable Association Discovery in Population-scale Meta-omics Studies" 2024-07-15
dropseq_tools public Package for the analysis of Drop-seq data developed by Jim Nemesh in the McCarroll Lab 2024-07-15
influx-si-data-manager public Data manager for handling influx_si inputs on Workflow4Metabolomics (usegalaxy.org) 2024-07-15
egglib public Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics Library. EggLib is a C++/Python library and program package for evolutionary genetics and genomics. Main features are sequence data management, sequence polymorphism analysis, and coalescent simulations. EggLib is a flexible Python module with a performant underlying C++ library and allows fast and intuitive development of Python programs and scripts. 2024-07-15
earlgrey public Earl Grey: A fully automated TE curation and annotation pipeline 2024-07-15
architeuthis public Tool to analyze and summarize data for Kraken. 2024-07-15
r-rrbgen public A lightweight limited functionality R bgen read/write library 2024-07-15
knotinframe public Predicts -1 frameshift sites with simple pseudoknots 2024-07-15
viguno public Lookup OMIM genes and HPO terms and compute similarities 2024-07-15

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